Wrist Cracking



Started doing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and my wrists crack a lot when I do this. Is there something wrong?

For now I'll stick to farmers walk and wrist rollers, but anyone else had this problem?
FCFighter316 said:
my right wrist has gotten fucked up from forarm exercises, really bad actually. I tore my ligaments

damn that sucks. What exercises were you doing?
bal541 said:
Started doing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and my wrists crack a lot when I do this. Is there something wrong?

For now I'll stick to farmers walk and wrist rollers, but anyone else had this problem?

I get this from time to time. It should be ok as long as it's not causing you any pain.
When I first started lifting, I felt pain in my wrists when I did wrist curls, or even when I bped or did barbell curls.. I just started wrapping them up with tensor bandages overnight after workouts. After a few weeks, there was no problem. You are probably alright unless you are experiencing excruciating pain, at which point you might want to see a doctor.
I would make sure your thumb is not around the bar. If it pops/cracks a lot I would avoid it or work with different grips. Regular cracking, like cracking your knuckes, is ok though. A rubbing or popping of a tendon going into or out of its groove.
Not to hijack the thread but when training grip lately I have had a burning feeling on the bottom of my wrist going slightly into my forearm.. Anyone else have that feeling. It has caused me to stop short a couple of workouts for fear something is going to snap.
I've got a screwed left wrist which pops a lot. The thing which helped me was using a powerball (one of those little handheld gyroscopes) as a warm up and cool down as using it helps to mobilise the wrist, in fact injury rehabilitation is one of the things that they emphasise on their website. I also started icing the joint after lifting and punchbag/pad work which really seemed to be helpful.
My right wrist got so bad a few years back that I just stopped curling all together. My arm workout consists of chinups and dips exclusively. I've heard the pain is related to carpal tunnel, but I never saw a doctor about it.