Wrist broken or sprained?

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Red Belt
Jul 27, 2004
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Well I took a little tumble trying to teach one of my kids to skate and my wrist is hurting pretty good. I was wondering if it might be broken. I got an appointment with an orthopedist on Wednesday and I was hoping one of y
NO idea man, im not a doctor. I know when I sprained my wrist it swelled up and hurt pretty good. I thought i broke it because it happened at work and everyone heard a couple pops. The doctor said it was tendons. Anyway, happy recovery.
rickdog said:
NO idea man, im not a doctor. I know when I sprained my wrist it swelled up and hurt pretty good. I thought i broke it because it happened at work and everyone heard a couple pops. The doctor said it was tendons. Anyway, happy recovery.

Thanks for sharing. BTW - About how long before your wrist started to feel close to normal?
I did not leave it alone like I should have which in turn made it cause problems for me for about a month. If you leave it alone and it is just a sprain it should probably be back to normal in about 2 weeks. This is just an estimate. Obviously the severity of the sprain will come into play. I'm no doctor though. This is pure speculation on my part.
I've broken my right wrist twice.

How can you turn it? Can you turn it side to side at all? If yes, then it is sprained. If no because of the excruchiating pain then it may be fractured.

Edit: Get a splint from the store until your appointment.
Thanks guys a lot guys. I'm seeing my physician this afternoon, I'm crossing fingers (on my good hand) for a sprain. I can twist it a bit without much trouble.
I broke my wrist, and there was no doubt about it. Generally, with any broken bone, you'll feel intense throbbing pain and have red/purple discoloration. Go see a Dr. for sure, but if it was broken, you wouldn't be sleeping at night.
I could do nothing but doze for a little bit last night. It seems a littlr better today so maybe I'll sleep better tonight.
Actually that is not true. First, everything has to do with pain threshold, therefore it is relative. When I told my doctor I was hoping it was sprained He had told me that sprains can cause more pain than brakes. I think it is all situational and depends on the person.
i broke my wrist 4 times and two of the times i was able to move it and actually didnt think it was broke so who knows. sometime sprains can be worse than breaks too so leave it up to the dr.
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