wrestling take downs


Purple Belt
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
sorry if this was posted before but my computer is being wierd. What is your favorite take down and how do you do it this goes for all kinds of grappling. post pics if you have them please I know a bunch but there are more out there that I dont know about and Im curious because I think with the takedown you gain control like you want in any grappling match IMO.
My favorite wrestling takedown that i used a ton was the Cowboy... pathetically easy to counter but still won me a TON of matches...

i still use it from time to time as a take down in BJJ... tho now i do love to play alot with bouncing and opponet and then shooting in for a double leg...
One of my *signiture* moves that I use so much and find so effective is a headlock throw . I get a head lock (left arm underhook, lock up with my right arm over opponents head), step over across with my right leg, then scoot my left leg back and he ends up getting thrown over me back. The only problem is 1 times out of ten I could get rolled over, but if I do it hard enough usually theres no chance of me getting rolled.

That and a double leg, single leg + running the pipe, underhook series, step behinds, idk there is a whole bunch I like to use but the main two are just a double leg and that headlock throw I mentioned.
Brand Nizzle, does it look like the trhow in my pic?
I'm in the red, that was from Nationals last year, its my favorite takedown.
I prefer the double leg take down. It gives you the opportunity for a powerful slam, and if done properly it can give you side control imediately.
1) Fireman's carry
2) low/outside single leg
3) latteral drop/overunder/baseball throw (it's got a million names)
4) duck under
5) arm drag

Fireman's carry is number one because it looks so damn sweet.

I think nizzle is talkin about a head and arm... and if you miss one on a good wrestler, you can get thrown across the mat.
bacon said:
I think nizzle is talkin about a head and arm... and if you miss one on a good wrestler, you can get thrown across the mat.

yikes, or even worse giving up your back, I'd never try a throw like that outside of wrestling. Maybe from the knees, but even then its risky.
The head and arm is one of the easiest moves to learn, but it's also very easy to counter (dropping hips and launching opponent to the next county) I never taught it to first year kids because they'd build up a false sense of security around it and wouldn't develop their other takedowns. When you do hit it correctly, its a crowd pleaser, but I've seen too many kids miss it and end up in a bad spot. But if Nizzle can consistantly pull it off, more power to him.
ever watch girls wrestling? at the highschool levels and even some university matches, all they do is reach around each other looking for that throw, I hate reffin those matches.
Never went to a girls tourny. I know what you mean though. Headhunters annoy me.
I've only seen one girl dominate a HS tourny....she was 103, had a mullet and was missing a tooth. True story. She was a leg rider and tech'd just about everyone that day.
In Wrestling it always was a bear hug, I enjoyed hugging a guy straight to his back.

Now I am more into arm throws and arm spins
I like footsweeps myself I NEVER shoot. I like De Ashi Barai, Ko uchi gari and O uchi Gari
I don't know the name of my favourite take down but ill explain it.

I stand infront of my opponent pull his head down so ive got him in a front headlock, i then underhook his left arm with my right arm while still holding his head still with my left arm, I then lift his arm upwards and push his head to the right and he spins in mid-air onto his back with me landing ontop of him, I dont know why I use this move I kinda just made it up in the middle of a match and ive used it ever since.

By the way I do freestyle wrestling so im not sure if its legal in folkstyle or greco roman
Spoonman7 said:
I like footsweeps myself I NEVER shoot. I like De Ashi Barai, Ko uchi gari and O uchi Gari

I also love the foot sweeps. Kosotogake and Ouchigake being my favorites. Hip throw seem to work pretty well for me, especially o goshi and koshi guruma.

When it comes to wrestling, firemans carry (kata guruma) and Kibisugaeshi (heel trip reversal) are most successful for me.
Occasionally I can throw a greco pickup if it's unexpected (like Uranage but with a bodylock from their side. In midair I twist so they land on their head / shoulder area.)
One of my favorite takedowns is actually when I fail a double leg.

change levels and shoot, the guy sprawls, I'll pretend to be a noob and try to back out, alot of times I can get him to step foward and I can go straight for the knee pick and drive him over. It's not the prettiest, but it works. and finding yourself in a sprawl is a pretty common occurence, so I find this pretty practical.
agu0001 said:
I don't know the name of my favourite take down but ill explain it.

I stand infront of my opponent pull his head down so ive got him in a front headlock, i then underhook his left arm with my right arm while still holding his head still with my left arm, I then lift his arm upwards and push his head to the right and he spins in mid-air onto his back with me landing ontop of him, I dont know why I use this move I kinda just made it up in the middle of a match and ive used it ever since.

By the way I do freestyle wrestling so im not sure if its legal in folkstyle or greco roman

We used to do this all the time in my last martial art I took. It was a great takedown and worked from a variety of positions. The name escapes me now however.

You can also use it from the clinch range if you're close enough. If you push too hard they'll make a 360, trying to stand up facing you. This is a perfect time to feed them a knee on their way around.