wrapping up 5x5, what's next?

Andrew D

Blue Belt
Professional Fighter
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
I am going to wrap up the 5x5 by changing to volume as opposed to pyramid scheme like I should have been doing this whole time. This is my first actual routine where I didn't just go to the gym and lift based on limited knowledge. I definitely made mistakes like not keeping a log and not sticking to the diet 100% but overall as far as form and strength I have improved a lot so I am definitely happy with the results.

I was thinking about going into possibly the Smolov or 20 rep squat program next but I had a question about both. Obviously the emphasis in these programs is improving your squat, however my bench press/chest in general is ridiculously weak compared to my squat/deadlift/SOHP/etc. My question is this:

How will these lifts be effected by these routines with an emphasis on improving bench press/chest strength?​

I hope that made sense and I didn't ramble too much. Thanks in advance for an replies/advice.
I kind of hit a plateau and wanted to try something new its been about 4-5 weeks as it is so isn't that when you wrap it up?

correct me if I'm wrong, any information is definitely welcomed.
When you hit a plateau, you reset by 10% and keep going or you switch to a 3x3 until you hit a plateau with that and then switch back to 5x5. You stay with a basic routine until you've tried every modification possible. If you switch to a completely different plan every month, you will have crappy gains because your program has no progression built in. Come back when you've done a 5x5 routine for six solid months.

Gaining strength takes time. You are failing the 5x5 routine right now by giving up after a month. It is not failing you.
One month is not enough to stop and go to something else. Keep sticking with it a bit longer like Chase said.
4-5 weeks is a good time to do a deload week, but too short to abandon a whole routine unless its completely not working for you. Do a deload week to rest up(like 3x3 with 80% of the weight you used last week and focus on form), then hit it again and see if you can make more gains.

The 20 rep squat program is a WEIGHT GAIN program, not neccessarily a squat strength program like Smolov. The point of the 20 reps with deep breaths in between is to stimulate hormonal and m-e-t-a-bolic changes that aid in overall muscle growth.

What is your height and weight? and what are your current poundages on the lifts?

Here is a link to lots of valuable information about 5x5 routines.
I think I'll take your guys advice and stick with the 5x5 for quite a while longer. Is thee a way I can add some sort of clean variant once or twice a week? I'm working on explosive power.

I'm 6'1 and weigh 162, I'm not sure my maxes but for squat i can do 195x5, for deadlift I have been working on form and have only done up to 225x5 but I'm sure i can go more, but my bench is only 155, not even bodyweight. What is your guys take on that? How can I improve that up to par?
Im not a pro on benching but I have heard that doing close grip benching helps your regular bench. I usually do weighted pushups. I dont have a bench, hehe.
If you want to add cleans, do them on both days first thing. Since its a technical lift, it should be done often, and first in the workout. Do sets of 3 reps or less though. Form breaks down with higher reps due to fatigue on olympic lifts.

Your bench press is actually in pretty good proportion to your squat and deadlift. If its around 75% of your squat, its balanced. It will go up when you can squat and deadlift more.

And you need to eat more. At your height, you should be over 200lbs if you want to be strong.
If you want to add cleans, do them on both days first thing. Since its a technical lift, it should be done often, and first in the workout. Do sets of 3 reps or less though. Form breaks down with higher reps due to fatigue on olympic lifts.

Your bench press is actually in pretty good proportion to your squat and deadlift. If its around 75% of your squat, its balanced. It will go up when you can squat and deadlift more.

And you need to eat more. At your height, you should be over 200lbs if you want to be strong.

Yeah i just started eating big and clean 6 meals etc. I just turned 18 so I know I'll start to fill out too. Ive put on about 10 pounds since starting so I'm definitely making gains.
Switch to a push/pull/squat routine, but I think changing the rep scheme is a smart move, especially if you're plateauing. Try 5x3 or 6x2 or work to singles, etc
195x5 you can still make good gains on 5x5.

The thing is when people do 5x5 they do the pyramid version which is for more intermediate/advanced lifters. If youre squatting 195 and pyramid-ing up to that, 4 of your 5 sets are going to be ridiculously light.

You need to do 5 heavy sets with the same weight. Lets say 195 is your 5 rep max. Do 185x5x5 and add 5lbs each time you squat. The key here is to get all the reps, dont be a bitch and duck out at the 3rd or 4th just get the reps in and the gains will come.

Ive recently gone back to what I just described and Ive made really good gains in just 2 weeks. What I could squat for 5 reps I can now squat 5lbs more for 5x5 in just 2 weeks.
195x5 you can still make good gains on 5x5.

The thing is when people do 5x5 they do the pyramid version which is for more intermediate/advanced lifters. If youre squatting 195 and pyramid-ing up to that, 4 of your 5 sets are going to be ridiculously light.

You need to do 5 heavy sets with the same weight. Lets say 195 is your 5 rep max. Do 185x5x5 and add 5lbs each time you squat. The key here is to get all the reps, dont be a bitch and duck out at the 3rd or 4th just get the reps in and the gains will come.

Ive recently gone back to what I just described and Ive made really good gains in just 2 weeks. What I could squat for 5 reps I can now squat 5lbs more for 5x5 in just 2 weeks.

Yeah I'm going to be switching to volume lifts. I'll probably try 175x5x5 for starters.
Good idea, its good to go quite low and build up some momentum. Also it will give your body time to get used to the volume with a lower weight. When I first started 5 heavy sets after doing pyramiding for a couple months my glutes were completely numb I wasnt used to the volume.
I'll update on wednesday after my tuesday night workout, hopefully i can;t walk afterwards
Good luck buddy, enjoy teh pain!

When youre doing it, the 4th and 5th set will be physically and mentally tough just say to yourself - "Dont be a bitch, get all the fucking reps!"

If you dont get your reps youll have wasted 3-4 good sets because you'll have to do it again until you do :)
I'll update on wednesday after my tuesday night workout, hopefully i can;t walk afterwards

While getting sore can be"fun", don't make it your goal. If you finish your 5x5 for squats and then get the idea "oh, I'm not sore at all...I'm gonna go add in some 20-reppers and go for the burn!"...


Adding weight when doing a 5x5 rep scheme is hard as it is.
When you hit a plateau, you reset by 10% and keep going or you switch to a 3x3 until you hit a plateau with that and then switch back to 5x5. You stay with a basic routine until you've tried every modification possible. If you switch to a completely different plan every month, you will have crappy gains because your program has no progression built in. Come back when you've done a 5x5 routine for six solid months.

Gaining strength takes time. You are failing the 5x5 routine right now by giving up after a month. It is not failing you.

Wow. I read a ChaseT. response that contributes. And good stuff at that. Dubs have made you a new post wh... Man.
ChaseT is a beast I saw a vid of him deadlifting 500 pounds, and also a pr0n vid of him banging 9 girls with just 1 penis.