wow who asked Brian Stann about "killing generations of people"?

Pretty legit question. He didn't ask "Why did the US go into Iraq?" which, as people have pointed out, is a decision he had no role in.

The answer to the question that WAS asked is also obvious: I was just following orders.

But of course, that puts Stann and any other military personnel that have gone over there in a long, shameful list of people throughout history that "just follow orders" to commit atrocities.
Pretty legit question. He didn't ask "Why did the US go into Iraq?" which, as people have pointed out, is a decision he had no role in.

The answer to the question that WAS asked is also obvious: I was just following orders.

But of course, that puts Stann and any other military personnel that have gone over there in a long, shameful list of people throughout history that "just follow orders" to commit atrocities.

What atrocities was Stann involved then? You leftists and Muslims need fragging, that I agree.
To those who think it is a good question to ask, I would say that Stann is not the person you would ask it to. He was a soldier following orders. Those people were his targets.

If you are looking for rationale or reasoning as to why he was there in the first place to do something like that, then ask the people who sent him there
So were the German soldiers accused of war crimes in WW2.
I think the "I was just following orders" is a crap excuse. With that said self preservation is a strong motivator in many things. I don't pretend that I would be able to make the right objective decision in situations like that. If I see my friends dying beside me and some one orders me to just drop a bomb on the target that just so happens to be the home of some civilians can't be an easy decision. I have no relationship with those civilians as I would with dying comrades.

I used to train with a guy that went to Afghanistan and he said a lot of of the U.S. soldiers were jerks to the people. They would routinely "confiscate" products from stores just so they could have them. He said he completely understands why they hate us after some of the crap he seen people pull(anecdotal of course and may have just been confined to his location).

Can't look it up right now but what percentage of those deaths were killed by the US soldiers and what percentage were killed by the terrorists?
If it is Hunt, that is fine.

If it is Siyar, well, if a person answers for the crimes of his nation then no Afghanistani should ever judge another nation.
Offcourse it was Hunt, you can see it with Stanns calm answer. if it was a smaller guy he would call him out to fight him. But since he knows Hunt isnt the type of guy you play games with, he gave that answer
He chose to serve in the military. Absolutely. It's perfectly reasonable for any male to want to serve their country, for financial reasons, for social reasons. There's any amount of perfectly good reasons he would have for joining the military, a lot of people wouldn't have a brilliant alternative.

He didn't however chose what the military would go on to do. He never sent anyone to Iraq or Afghanistan.

What exactly are you suggesting? That no one ever joins the US military? That soldiers and their commanders shouldn't exist? LOL, that would make for fun times. When your only defence is nuclear fucking bombs.

i'm saying join if you want to join, just don't act like you are above being questioned. i don't think stann did that, i think he simply said this is the wrong time and place, but a lot of people in this thread are acting like the question in itself was wrong.
You clearly struggle to read. That, or you get emotionally hot and bothered by this topic and it clouds your thoughts. No one is oppressing someone's rights to say and do anything. I am questioning the direction of their questions.

As for Stann's reasons...well, I guess you aren't the expert on his thought process then or now, are you?

you suggested it was wrong to ask that question while living in this country, do i need to quote you?

simply told you that was silly, this is america, asking questions that are rude and out of place is a right here. telling someone who asked the question that they are a wanker is also a right.

why are you having a hard time grasping this?
Offcourse it was Hunt, you can see it with Stanns calm answer. if it was a smaller guy he would call him out to fight him. But since he knows Hunt isnt the type of guy you play games with, he gave that answer

Stann's never come across as someone to try and bully or intimidate others to be fair.
I don't mind the question or Stann's response to it. The follow up comment seems abrasive though.

Weigh-ins aren't the place to be drumming up such debates.
Who knew Stann single handedly killed off so many people . . . some of you people act like everyone who joins up gets off on killing someone.
If it is Siyar, well, if a person answers for the crimes of his nation then no Afghanistani should ever judge another nation.

Good point.

Who can forget the mighty Afghan army's constant invasions, bombings of countless countries and their military and economic support of brutal regimes throughout the world.

That Siyar dude needs to STFU.
I admit I didn't search the Internet for hours for accurate numbers which I regret, however, your

"Do you really think 300,000 were terrorists who deserved to die?"

comment does not suggest your were "calling out bullshit" but does suggest that i think 300,000 were terrorists who deserve to die, which I have never suggested I thought and do not think. Baffled at your train of thought i therefore i called you a massive ******.I think the guys who flew those planes Into the towers were terrorists. Certainly no fucking reason to invade a country in the Middle East though.

dude, this is the war room, you can't use that kind of language, you will get banned instantly.

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