Wow, Vitor is jacked

There will be so many mohawk threads to come both if he win or lose.
I entirely agree.

I really can't read Sherdog anymore without wanting to smash my head into the wall every other minute when I have to read something like "juiced up with TRT" or "old Chael vs new TRT Chael" or "TRT is like roided up superpower" and stuff like that.

They don't get that TRT helps to achieve the testosterone level of the average, untrained, fat and beer drinking Sherdogger (no, the testosterone level of a professional athlete is NOT necessarily higher than from a normal person. I have fat friends, who don't do any sports and looking like Roy Nelson who have testosterone levels on the very top end of what a normal male human being can produce). Educate yourself! Then you should realize, that having the normal testosterone level of a healthy mail doesn't help you to punch harder or having big pecs.

There's one thing you may never really heard of. Don't pass it (hush hush): It's called:

"Training (and a healthy nutrition)."

I would bet both my steroid shrunken nuts that most fighters with TRT exceptions don't have naturally low test levels at all, but use TRT as an exploit to Cruise and blast year round without the need for post cycle therapy.
Yeah, TS, he's HUGE!

Aww dude