Would you say your happiest days are behind you?

They need to make medication that will make adults just as happy as when they were children

I remember being happy as fuck just looking at a dinosaur picture and I could just stare at it all morning

Some exist. Maybe not to that extent, but I know quite a few people who take daily doses of Prozac, Zoloft, or whatever else is prescribed to deal with their depression.

Reminds me of what the Unabomber said, and I'm paraphrasing here. You know you live in a truly dystopian society when it will prescribe you the drugs to make you happy instead of addressing the core issues that make life a depressing experience to begin with.
I still find time for adventure like I am doing the sky jump this year in las vegas it is a jump off the strat building.

The only thing that really sucks about getting old is the body not working well anymore the human body is such a crap design.
Not whilst I still breath, happiness is definitely a state of mind, don't fixate that which has passed, look to the horizon it's just over that next hill, nothing is going to slow me down and I will take pleasure in those obstacles that life throws at me.....
Not the same happy as my 20’s, but I’m in a good spot, a different type of sublime. Traveling in a foreign country, my kids are enjoying, i am enjoying, still have income, when i come back, collecting a bunch of money past due for my next adventures.
Yes, I think so. The last time I remember being care free and genuinely happy was in my early twenties. I was in school, and had no financial or family commitments. My entire life was devoted to two endeavors, lifting weights and studying.

I have accomplished a tremendous amount since then - both personally and professionally, but the weight of "life" weighs heavily on my shoulders. I am about to turn 40 and it seems like like the last 20 years passed by in the blink of an eye. Many of the things I thought would make me happy i.e. getting a PhD, becoming financially successful, publishing my research etc. felt more like checking items off a to do list. Instead, these successes now feel like a burden, as the question I always ask is "What now?"

The people and things I love and care about most dearly are getting older, or have already passed. I cried yesterday watching a nanny-cam video of my 80 year old mother trying to get into bed - she looked so..... fragile. I don't know why it shook me so badly, but I guess it's just a reminder that the time we have on earth is finite.

Perhaps I am conflating happiness with being care free.
Lol no. I've got great health and have more and more disposable income each passing year. Life is fantastic
Yes. I definitely do.
It can be hard in present times for a man to find purpose in life after a certain point.

Of course we are approaching volatile and turbulent times so this could change things. Real struggle may be about to return and real struggle is life.

As for happiness...I'm not sure. Some will get it through family and descendants. Those that don't have that, I dunno.
Some older guys enjoy it with TRT and younger women lol but I don't know if that is the way.
I've been trying to replicate the happiest moments of my life, but it's not working. I think my happiest days are behind me. There's no longer any excitement that I look forward to.
I feel the same way. My childhood years and the early 2000s I feel strongly were best of my easily.

And the future looks meh with nothing looking forward to except getting old.
I've been trying to replicate the happiest moments of my life, but it's not working. I think my happiest days are behind me. There's no longer any excitement that I look forward to.
How old are you? and do you have any major physical injuries/disfigurements?
I've never been happy.

As a kid? Painfully shy.
As a teenager? Bullied at school and at a home, also depressed and lost passion for school.
Twenties? Moved out but was a lonely virgin for half of it. Nearly all of it was spent struggling financially on close to minimum wage.
Thirties? Financially a lot better, but gained weight and lack passion for anything.

On the upswing though. Once this flat deal goes through, I should be able to live a lot more and do what I really want to do, travel.
Glad to hear things are looking better for you dude.

Travel is awesome, always something to look forward to.
Happiness comes in different forms.

Childish glee is something that is impossible to match as you grow older; however, the intense satisfaction of a well lived life is something no child can experience either.
100% agree. The goal gets different as you get older. I don't do fun and "exciting" things anymore but I don't want to. Life is much more peaceful and calm now which is how I want it.