Would you sacrifice a 9 in looks for a 5 with a great personality?

Sakuraba is #1

Green Belt
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
When it comes to choosing a wife?

9 = a bitch that looks and acts like Kim Kardashian
5 = a saint that looks like Sarah Jessica Parker
Sarah Jessica Parker is ugly as fuck hell no. More like a 4 for me. But I certainly don't need a 9. I'd be happy with a 6 with a good personality.
you think Kim is a 9? i see college girls that make her look like beat pig 1
I was giving this serious thought until Sarah Jessica Parker's name was mentioned.
you think Kim is a 9? i see college girls that make her look like beat pig 1

I don't feel like Kim is a 9 either. I could go with an 8 for her though. Her materialistic personality makes her less attractive.
Yeah. I've dated both and the 5 with a personality it MUCH easier to be with.

They always "you can't fuck a personality," well you can't reason with vapid, self centered stupidity either.
Why can't a good looking chick have a good personality?
Kim is closer to a 5 than to a 9 lol
Why can't a good looking chick have a good personality?

most of the time naturally beautiful girls have great personalities theyve developed over time, much like a pro-boxer with a great record who has been built up and tested slowly and is now fighting for the title
you know Sarah Parker is pretty witchy in bed though
I wanted to say yes until you threw out Sarah Jessica Parker as the kicker, but I can't really stand her personality either.
Tina Fey a 5?


idk sorry man. I said 5 or 6. She just doesn't always look that great to me. She's not ugly to me though. If you rate her higher... you're leaving a ton of way better girls with only a few numbers to rate by.