Would you live in a pod?


Brown Belt
May 21, 2007
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Fuck no way I would. I would move. And if that meant a lower paying job I would be okay with that. No pod living for me.
This is how manlets will rule the world. Higher salaries(azns), lower maintenance.
The cost of gentrification
The cost of gentrification

why do they HAVE to be in San Francisco???... I mean it seems like all of them are running online/tech business that can be taken care of in any residence. Just move to the suburbs or even outside of the bay area. Is there something I am missing?

That's pretty sad that a girl from the soviet union actually managed to downgrade her living situation by moving to San Francisco.
I just hope the person in the bed above me doesn't mind hearing me feverishly masturbating three times a day.
why do they HAVE to be in San Francisco???... I mean it seems like all of them are running online/tech business that can be taken care of in any residence. Just move to the suburbs or even outside of the bay area. Is there something I am missing?
Its a status symbol to live in the city
Plus if youre young and hip, its where all the action is
And you save a lotta money because you dont need a car
No thanks. I lived in a Connex housing unit/CHU for 10 months. Shit sucked.

Fuck no way I would. I would move. And if that meant a lower paying job I would be okay with that. No pod living for me.

Hell fucking no! 1200/month to 'have all that stuff taken care of for you' ... yeah I did a stint in the clink already thanks anyway lol...
$1200 a month to live in bunkbeds with a prison ratio of bathrooms and you get "free" ramen and cereal?

What kind of chumps are signing up for this?
$1200 a month to live in bunkbeds with a prison ratio of bathrooms and you get "free" ramen and cereal?

What kind of chumps are signing up for this?

Im pretty sure in the UK 'housing' like this isn't legal for health and safety reasons. You know so that it doesnt turn into the fucking third world. Roads in the US are already third world as fuck don't need to be adding accommodation to the list.
For about $3K you could build yourself a comfortable camper van. I'd rather sleep in my car than spend money on that, what's the difference?
People pay 1200$ for this?
It's just a bed and a TV
Zero privacy
There are pod hotels in Japan, but nobody lives there full time
I have a shared living sitch with 4 other people. we share 3 bathrooms, I pay a modest amount but its comfortable and nice for the area.

We also don't take any housing or special kickback people or welfare. so GTFO while I gentrify you plebs