International Would more nukes make the world safer ?

Gun safety is all about if they are in the hands of sane, responsible owners. Not evil overzealous idiots who feel the need to bluster

So no. Someone like Iran should not have a nuke

We just need to make sure we do a background check on em before selling any nukes.
I'm not so sure countries ran by warlords and terror groups that have a pitiful regard for human life/rights in general should be given that opportunity. I'm not defending any countries' supposed right to have nukes over others since I don't think nukes are a good idea in general, but for damn sure there are countries that should not be trusted with those weapons. The easiest way for me personally to see which countries that are low on the moral hierarchy is to simply observe how women and children are treated there.

I couldn't possibly believe that you think Afghanistan or South Sudan are on the same moral footing as Norway or Chile.
I completely agree that the countries who aren't western allies and of our ideology shouldn't have nukes. Completely. I grew up in the British Army when Iraq was starting and my dad was on orders to go. I don't want them having nukes even remotely, I just find it pretty silly that us westerners dictate their nuke ownership. We're basically saying thay're nutjobs and can't be trusted.
Yes. Back before they had the bomb, China and India had real shooting wars where thousands of soldiers were killed.
Now they both have nukes, they have stick fights to settle their border disputes.


We aren't in a WW3 right now because of nukes.
There are too many unstable countries for that to make sense. The damage from a nuclear weapon is much greater than that of an individual gun.

There are many unstable people, and assault weapons lead to mass shootingd like we have in the us.

Remember what the NRA said, and most politicians, a bad guy with a gun means good guys need one too . Apply that logic to nukes
Well, just like certain people having guns is a bad idea, certain countries having nukes is a bad idea. They are essentially red flagged for having nukes. They are too unstable and too likely to use them.
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