Something like that.You mean most undeserving thing that actually caused me to shed tears?
I can't actually recall the last time I cried, it's just not a grief-reaction for me. I get quiet, I suppose, when faced with a death of a loved one.
I cry probably twice a year, but it's usually legit, like pet dying or something like that.
When my dad died.
Youtube makes me watch animal fights if Im on it too long.We all know how the youtubes works right? You tell yourself "just a few videos and off to bed I go" you start at something specific and then like 4 hours later you're watching those stupid Thai life insurance commericals while your eyes are leaking like a faucet.......that happens like once a month or so for me.
I didn't realize that such a thing existed.I cried when Hardee's discontinued the double jalapeno thick burger. But all was righted when they brought it back.