working out at night


White Belt
May 27, 2008
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I recently got out of school and am trying to support my family with a number of odd jobs and now i have no time to workout in the morning like i should. So im thinking of working out at night what would you guys prefer and what are the pros and cons of working out so late. And also what is the best motivation for somebody who is so busy with these types of obsticles.
There is some research that suggests that people who work out in the evening tend to build more lean muscle mass and burn more fat. As to the cause of these findings...well its pretty much inconclusive. I prefer to work out at about 1 am due to the limited gym traffic at that time. I also tend to be able to lift a greater amount of weight if I go to the gym at the end of my day rather than at the start.
if u work out at night(which i do) then its alot easier to say screw it and go to sleep early or not work out. also sometimes i have friends or fmaily call me up and wanna go out for the night and i try and never get my training to interfere with my personal life so i go out and sometimes miss a night of training. If u work out in the morning but have something u need to do on that day, u can always work out at night. either way if u do work out at night it should be of equal benifit to morning workouts
Yeah, working out at night definitely has its drawbacks. If you have a long day at work and any type of commute, you're generally more tired when you get home and it's easier to convince yourself to not do anything.

However, I still prefer night workouts to getting up at 4:30 am.