working out at home?



Ok my gym membership expired at the end of july and i dont wanna renew my membership till september because i will be in europe starting 1st of august, so i was wondering if anyone has any good work out for at home.

Right now i have :
40 LBS DUMB bells(x2)
Bench press( i only have 100lbs for the bench press- i wont be buying more sience i will be oging back to the gym)

thats all i have at home. I was wondering what types of work outs you guys do at home. I am not tryign to get bigger or anythign just trying to stay in shape while out of the gym for 2 months. I live in an apartment building so i run stairs every other day.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
My favorite piece of equipment at home is my thai bag. I'll usually do five 5-minute rounds or 7-8 3-minute rounds.
sir037 said:
My favorite piece of equipment at home is my thai bag. I'll usually do five 5-minute rounds or 7-8 3-minute rounds.
Yeah my buddy suggested getting a punching bag, i am really thinking about it. I might go tomorrow and check a few out.
sandbag = duffel bag + sand

Sled = pipe fittings + plywood + screws + rope
sled = rope + tire + plywood insert

Barbell + 300+ lbs in plates < 200 dollars

Get to it.
sir037 said:
My favorite piece of equipment at home is my thai bag. I'll usually do five 5-minute rounds or 7-8 3-minute rounds.

unless your going all out and having like 10 sec breaks then from when you 1st registered to know thats is not that good
erm that duffel bag and sand... how do you hang that up to use as a punching bag?
TKMaxx715 said:
erm that duffel bag and sand... how do you hang that up to use as a punching bag?

You dont, you throw it up in the air and catch it. Go find out some 'sandbag exercises'.

First i would do pushups, handstand pushups, tricep pushups, bodyweight squats, jumping body weight squats, pullups, dips, etc.

I would also start a good diet for growth and nutrition.

Then I would get a thai bag without a doubt, get some 16 oz gloves and pound that bitch for 3 minutes, 1 minute rest, for as many rounds as i could. I would do that until i developed good shoulder, thigh, and core definition and good body stamina. Then i would make sure my technique is really good by going 3-minute rounds of boxing and muay thai techniques, function and control instead of speed or power, for as many sets as my mind needed to register proper fighting and my body to remember it.

I would put the weights on the barbell and do some jumping squats for sure. Id also do a lot of military press, snatches, cleans, overhead squats, front squats, squats, reverse curls, sword-swinging, fuck man just lift that shit around.

Then I'd go back to the gym and lift HEAVY deadlifts, squats, bench-press, military, snatches, those other back exercises, shit like that.

Then id do pushups, handstand pushups, pull ups, chinups, bodyweight squats, FLARES!, etc.

I would also do core and ab exercises all the time.