Wonder Woman isn't jacked in the comic books. Don't know wtf people are talking about.
What does it matter? Her power doesn't come from muscles anyway.
WTF are YOU talking about? WW in the comics IS pretty buff. At least fitness figure model levels.
Neither does Superman.
Uh.. what? I already said she looked good in the trailer (before it was pulled). Hence, I was insinuating that she added a fair amount of muscle and tonage to her frame.
She's not the toothpick that we all saw in the Furious movies.
I'm seriously thinking you need to get your eyes checked. She looks fine there too. Just because she doesn't have the roided out look doesn't mean she's not fit, toned and muscley.
Amazons in other media look just like her. Not everyone has to look like Lucy Lawless.
But they should. Lucy Lawless is a goddess.
Adrianne Palicki who was in that canceled Wonder Woman show just after the pilot looked pretty hot in those bracers too. Should've just given her a shot.
Adrianne Palicki who was in that canceled Wonder Woman show just after the pilot looked pretty hot in those bracers too. Should've just given her a shot.
That godawful pilot tainted any chance she ever had of getting near the role again. Whoever put David E. Kelly anywhere near that project should be run out of Hollywood with torches and pitchforks.
Wasn't really her fault. She still looks the part and she's a good actress. At least a lot better then Gal Gadot.
No, it wasn't her fault. It was David E. Kelly's fault. The man was so wrong for that show on so many levels it is not even funny.
But the association with that project will forever keep her name out of anything that has to do with Wonder Woman ever again.
No, it wasn't her fault. It was David E. Kelly's fault. The man was so wrong for that show on so many levels it is not even funny.
But the association with that project will forever keep her name out of anything that has to do with Wonder Woman ever again.
Wasn't really her fault. She still looks the part and she's a good actress. At least a lot better then Gal Gadot.
She needs to be fap material, right?
WTF are YOU talking about? WW in the comics IS pretty buff. At least fitness figure model levels.
Neither does Superman.