Women shoots homeless guy who asked her to move her Porsche

So it's her word (and her friend's) against a homeless man's. I doubt she'll get the book thrown at her, especially if both girls have the same story.
Apparently after shooting the homeless man she left the scene with her friend and got something to eat.

She also didn't report the shooting and only handed herself to the police a week after the shooting.

Sure sounds like self defense, doesn't it?
"but eventually Melton walked back to where he had been attempting to sleep, police said.

Quackenbush allegedly got out of the Porsche with a gun and fired two shots at him, one of which hit Melton in the abdomen. She then fled the scene in her Porsche, according to the release."


Lemme get this straight..

The homeless person was moving away from her and still got shot.

She's the victim?


it sounds fishy. Until further evidence I'm going to side with the person not mentally ill...further evidence may lead to she is mentally ill.
If it can be proven that he was indeed walking away she will do some time
All jokes aside...meh.
When two people who will never help society get into an altercation, we all win.
I've lived in a major city for six years and never had a problem, most of them ask me for money and I say sorry and that's the end of it.

I don't exactly look loaded so I don't know what it's like if you look rich. I don't think I could really recognise a rich person on the street because I don't know enough about fashion.
Maybe they're just more aggressive in this state then. I've definitely noticed a difference since moving here.
reminds me of this abortion the Lamborghini Urus

Why isn't the woman who was in the vehicle with her facing charges? If they left the scene and didn't report it they're both guilty.
On one hand, murder is wrong, but on the other hand, the homeless problem is out of control....
So it's her word (and her friend's) against a homeless man's. I doubt she'll get the book thrown at her, especially if both girls have the same story.

The two girls didn't hand themselves into the police until a week after the shooting. More than enough time to come up with a bullshit defence and matching accounts of the incident.
She's lucky this didn't happen in Canada. Our laws on self-defence are much more limited than the US.

No second amendment.
Hand guns are illegal.
No castle doctrine.
No stand your ground.
No castle doctrine?

Dafuq is the matter with you syrup sucking fur trappers?
So it's her word (and her friend's) against a homeless man's. I doubt she'll get the book thrown at her, especially if both girls have the same story.

I love justice when its just us.

No castle doctrine?

Dafuq is the matter with you syrup sucking fur trappers?

They have two options in Canada 1) Duck and cover 2) bend over and touch toes
The two girls didn't hand themselves into the police until a week after the shooting. More than enough time to come up with a bullshit defence and matching accounts of the incident.
I didn't realize a week had lapsed before they came forward. Yeah, that's fucked up.
Apparently after shooting the homeless man she left the scene with her friend and got something to eat.

She also didn't report the shooting and only handed herself to the police a week after the shooting.

They've would've caught her within 2 weeks anyways.
She left a mountain of evidence behind and didn't cover her tracks.
The tire impressions, her shoe imprint, the shell ballistics, her missing alibi, and witnesses remembering the color and type of vehicle she drove.

Come on now!
Watching Forensic Files on a weekly basis made uncovering her evidence look easy.
Quackenbush was charged with attempted murder Monday evening with bond set at $25,000. She was later released from jail, according to local station WTVF.

Her father, Texas attorney Jesse Quackenbush, claimed that his daughter shot Melton out of self-defense. He said she only intended to fire warning shots, not hit Melton.

Her father released an official statement to WTVF.

“The two women were actually acting in self defense. The man was always on his feet and not asleep as someone apparently has alleged and had accosted a group of very young women and nearly became physical with one. He then approached the white Porsche (not Lexis) with two female occupants and started verbally accosting them threatening them because their music was too loud for him to sleep...

“The driver fired a round as a warning to scare him away as he came at her. He kept coming and she fired a second round, again intended to scare him away. They quickly got back into the white vehicle and left, not knowing that the man was hit by the warning shots. Both girls contacted the police and DA shortly after the incident and have always agreed to cooperate fully with the investigation.”

LOL - Holy shit, of course... Her daddy is a lawyer. What a stupid fucking response for a lawyer to write though - Warning shots in self defense?? @panamaican ; That can't be legal?

25k bond for attempted murder? Whitegirl privilege is real!

Also, that bitch is for sure high on pharmaceuticals in that photo.
lol looks like daddy doesn't like little girl too much or maybe he's just a really bad lawyer?
I mean "warning shots"?!
She looks like she doesn't give AF that she shot that guy
When your dad is a big shot attorney, you can pretty much get away with anything.
Her bail at $25,000 was paid out instantly.

She sounds like a spoiled little brat if you ask me.
Yeah, I'd bet he bought her that Porsche in the first place.

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