Women pukes during squat


Brown Belt
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
It said this was up'd on Youtube a few days ago, I haven't seen it posted here. A part of me wanted to post it, a part of me didn't. I said fuck it. At least she finished the rep...
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bVZKpoOQcW4&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bVZKpoOQcW4&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
That was awesome.

The other day I had a similar awesome meathead experience. I drink my pwo shake out of this wide mouthed tupperware thing. Anyways I had a particularly rough day at the gym that day and right after downing my shake I realized that I was gonna puke it up. I had just used my last few scoops of wms and didnt have anything else readily available. I puked that shit right back into the cup and downed it again. I couldnt help smiling at myself in the mirror as regurgitated (sp?) shake was running down my chin.

Am I a fucking meathead or what?
I lol'd :icon_chee That was so weird and yet, funny.
That was awesome.

The other day I had a similar awesome meathead experience. I drink my pwo shake out of this wide mouthed tupperware thing. Anyways I had a particularly rough day at the gym that day and right after downing my shake I realized that I was gonna puke it up. I had just used my last few scoops of wms and didnt have anything else readily available. I puked that shit right back into the cup and downed it again. I couldnt help smiling at myself in the mirror as regurgitated (sp?) shake was running down my chin.

Am I a fucking meathead or what?
LOL if true that's some hardcore shit man. Props, I guess. LOL
That was awesome.

The other day I had a similar awesome meathead experience. I drink my pwo shake out of this wide mouthed tupperware thing. Anyways I had a particularly rough day at the gym that day and right after downing my shake I realized that I was gonna puke it up. I had just used my last few scoops of wms and didnt have anything else readily available. I puked that shit right back into the cup and downed it again. I couldnt help smiling at myself in the mirror as regurgitated (sp?) shake was running down my chin.

Am I a fucking meathead or what?

Dude you're fuckin crazy as shit...thats some real fucking dedication to your diet.
That was awesome.

The other day I had a similar awesome meathead experience. I drink my pwo shake out of this wide mouthed tupperware thing. Anyways I had a particularly rough day at the gym that day and right after downing my shake I realized that I was gonna puke it up. I had just used my last few scoops of wms and didnt have anything else readily available. I puked that shit right back into the cup and downed it again. I couldnt help smiling at myself in the mirror as regurgitated (sp?) shake was running down my chin.

Am I a fucking meathead or what?

5/5. good effort.

oh and that chick is a drama queen.
Bahahah, funny video... but kind of sketchy. She might have been holding that... water-like stuff in her mouth before.

I dont trust things on the intraWebz very easily.
True. She def had to drink something b4 that squat, lol!
Nice job mooshy, you are a meathead extraodrinaire *chest bumps*
It would be a lot cooler if she puked on a comp legal squat.
at first i thought she was just doing walkouts with the way she was shaking like that.
fuck right off that shit is disgusting.
i call bullshit
That was awesome.

The other day I had a similar awesome meathead experience. I drink my pwo shake out of this wide mouthed tupperware thing. Anyways I had a particularly rough day at the gym that day and right after downing my shake I realized that I was gonna puke it up. I had just used my last few scoops of wms and didnt have anything else readily available. I puked that shit right back into the cup and downed it again. I couldnt help smiling at myself in the mirror as regurgitated (sp?) shake was running down my chin.

Am I a fucking meathead or what?

Kind of adds a new twist to your user name.
That's hardcore man.

Hey wait, Nastula is fighting this month!?/?!?!?