Woman Complains That People Don't Dress Nice Enough In NY


Gold Belt
Jan 19, 2010
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This article and the comment section to it kind of made my head hurt, so many pretentious snobs. Never been to New York, do people really care this much about how other people dress there?


Pretty harsh words coming from a woman who looks like someone's creepy uncle


I'm all for dressing nice, but I don't see anything wrong with someone just wanting to wear some shorts/jeans and a t shirt when they go out, why would anyone actually give a fuck?
I guess she didn't like my outfit
'She' and I mean "she" has a point though.

America has been going down hill since the average woman now weighs as much as the average man did in the 1960's!!! Consumer culture/greed/fat makes people not care.
'She' and I mean "she" has a point though.

America has been going down hill since the average woman now weighs as much as the average man did in the 1960's!!! Consumer culture/greed/fat makes people not care.

Wouldn't buying overpriced clothing as a way to fit in only feed into Consumer culture even more?
Wouldn't buying overpriced clothing as a way to fit in only feed into Consumer culture even more?

Good point. Well something surely happened which resulted in the average man dressing so bad compared to the old days.
throw that bitch out the moon door
Good point. Well something surely happened which resulted in the average man dressing like crap compared to the average man of the old days in the early 20th century.

Well didn't the average man use to only have like 1 or 2 outfits? So there wasn't a lot of room for comfortable clothing. In a time when people tend to have more options I would think dressing comfortable would always be the preferred option unless you were going some place fancy.
I agree. One always needs to project a successful image. I may live out of my car, eat nothing but McDonalds, and blow large parties of Japanese business men for income, but goddammit I look good doing it. I have a large wardrobe of tailor made Italian suits, leather shoes, and designer glasses. Oh yeah and that car I live out of? Brand new Porsche. Now if I could only afford to see a doctor about all the open sores I keep getting on my lips.
Well didn't the average man use to only have like 1 or 2 outfits? So there wasn't a lot of room for comfortable clothing. In a time when people tend to have more options I would think dressing comfortable would always be the preferred option unless you were going some place fancy.

From what I read common men had sports jackets, a blazer maybe, a suit if wealthy or lucky, and variety of outdoor clothes. I am talking about men from the 1920s period. Look up the old sporting attire. Look and see where the hacking pockets came into play on sport jackets and why. For example the elbow patches on many sports jacket was a necessity as men actually wore such jackets to do mild activities which could wear on the material. Common men of the 1920s even had hats (and not baa ball caps), to wear. That isn't mentioning everyone has a pair of boots.
From what I read common men had sports jackets, a blazer maybe, a suit if wealthy or lucky, and variety of outdoor clothes. I am talking about men from the 1920s period. Look up the old sporting attire. Look and see where the hacking pockets came into play on sport jackets and why. For example the elbow patches on many sports jacket was a necessity as men actually wore such jackets to do mild activities which could wear on the material. Common men of the 1920s even had hats (and not baa ball caps), to wear. That isn't mentioning everyone has a pair of boots.
I think all classes basically wore the same thing back then; the more patches you had, the poorer you were. Motherfuckers must have smelled like shit back in the day wearing wool suits in the middle of summer and shit, especially since they had like two of them and there weren't any Vietnamese immigrants yet so no laundromats.
to be fair, the person writing the article was talking about people attending events where, in the past, people would dress up for (like a Broadway play, an opera, symphony, etc..).
people pay good money for those types of tickets, if they want to dress like a slob, so be it.
The hipsters do dress like slobs, and it is very pretentious. The baby mamas, Las Chicas, and the brawdz all dress really really trashy. So I agree with her.
The hipsters do dress like slobs, and it is very pretentious. The baby mamas, Las Chicas, and the brawdz all dress really really trashy. So I agree with her.

Yeah but just shorts and a T shirt is trashy? Cus that seems to be what the majority of people in that pic are wearing. Hipsters dress stupid for sure, every generation has people like that.
Yeah but just shorts and a T shirt is trashy? Cus that seems to be what the majority of people in that pic are wearing. Hipsters dress stupid for sure, every generation has people like that.

Like I stated, there is a lot of people here who need to tone down their highly sexual fashion sense.

Yeh, there is people who dress plainly, but so many people just feel like they need to show off what they have.
I find shorts and a tee a million times more tasteful than the nylong polo + Titlest hat with Oakleys on the brim that suburban dads rawk these days.
Like I stated, there is a lot of people here who need to tone down their highly sexual fashion sense.

Yeh, there is people who dress plainly, but so many people just feel like they need to show off what they have.

I just don't get why anyone would really give a fuck about what another person is wearing unless they wanted to have sex with that person or hire them for a job.
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