Will we finally get a mandatory gun buyback?

Lol. IF they win they'll do no such thing. There's no feasible way accomplish that in the states.

America will become a one party state if Kamala wins.

Here's how they think they will accomplish it. They will ban and buy which will kill the industry, arrest anyone caught with one so that means no more self defense/hunting/target shooting/competitions with your AR-15, wait until the gun owners die and hope they have no one to hand down the rifle to, then they will brainwash the population even further so they will be programmed to hate guns.

Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam no longer have guns in new 'Looney Tunes Cartoons'


They will eventually go after the 2nd and disband militias.
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Also lol at guns just being toys. Way to reveal your true feelings and intentions.
lol at 'buyback'.
just call it what it will be: a seizure
and don't try to hide them! they know where to look!
you told people on Facebook about it.
Oh please livestream it if the people who just bailed out violent rioters and want to cut back on policing, and have prominent members of their party calling for a "truth and reconciliation commission" try to confiscate 10 million people's guns.
I think there are 60 million gun owners in the US and a heck of a lot more guns than that.
We have to push hard while we still have the momentum. The GOP will cry and whine, but this is for the greater good. Deep inside, they know it's time we step up in the world and join the rest of the world.
You are out of touch, gun sales are going up, and regular people are the ones driving new purchases as they see chaos unfolding (mainly due to peaceful riots).
If that ever occurs, which it wont you damn Commie's and your Commieholicaust dreams, I'll just amass a bunch of pipe guns and make some money
Trump winning as the underdog is the best possible outcome. I don't even think I would enjoy if he won as the favourite. I really hope he wins so I can witness an even bigger meltdown than 4 years ago.

Trump is the LEAST complete fighter in the world...WHY would you root for that fat fucking slobblob?
Biden is all but guaranteed to win next week. Will we finally get to see a mandatory assault weapons buy back similar to New Zealand? I know Kamala says it will be an executive order. Mandatory assault weapons buyback ad well as any magazine that holds over 10 rounds and much more stringent background checks and waiting periods.

Australa did it in the 90s, New Zealand just did it. There will be some uproar but people will get used to it like they did in Australia and NZ.

It's inarguably un-Constitutional and sometimes our rights prevail. Thanks to replacing a leftist activist with a 2A supporter, I'm hopeful SCOTUS finally takes some cases that'll put an end to the constant assault by defining the boundaries more clearly.
Biden is all but guaranteed to win next week. Will we finally get to see a mandatory assault weapons buy back similar to New Zealand? I know Kamala says it will be an executive order. Mandatory assault weapons buyback ad well as any magazine that holds over 10 rounds and much more stringent background checks and waiting periods.

Australa did it in the 90s, New Zealand just did it. There will be some uproar but people will get used to it like they did in Australia and NZ.
. Yeah, lets just indoctrinate people into what we believe are the right beliefs, its not like that doesn't lead to genocide, things like the Holdomor, Pol Pot...

I think now I'm beginning to understand why my Ukrainian coworker act the way he does, dude would literally fight you to the death over his beliefs. He slapped this Columbian kid at work for talking shit about Crimea to him.
If that ever occurs, which it wont you damn Commie's and your Commieholicaust dreams, I'll just amass a bunch of pipe guns and make some money

Making and selling ammunition will be more important.
Bataan death march:



Bet you TS has Che Guevara tattoo and or shirt. I also doubt he's ever met anyone outside the US that's lived through actual socialism and Communism or whose lives and families have been affected for generations because of those two political ideologies.
We have to push hard while we still have the momentum. The GOP will cry and whine, but this is for the greater good. Deep inside, they know it's time we step up in the world and join the rest of the world.

the left: we need to strip rights "for the greater good"

fuck the 1a and 2a, amirite? 1984 wasn't supposed to be a guidebook.
If and that's a big if.

It would be tied up in court so long it would never happen. The court has already ruled the 2nd means private gun ownership.

Actually I hope they try and do it with an executive order.

Go head democrats open more doors see what happens.
Imagine being a grown man and the election is all about upsetting people who disagree with you. It takes a special kind of asshole.

You don't just disagree though, your side oppress and damages the country. Lockdowns all over the country, businesses forced to shut down, limited gatherings, leftist politicians standing down for and in some cases, encouraging rioting. It's not as you guys are harmless, you're bad people who do a lot of damage.