Will an Indian ever hold a UFC strap?

Dunno, is there any conclusive research about this? Like, what populations are most similar to each other?

Pakistani in particular have tonnes of Iranian/Aryan admixture, basically werstern Indo-European, and Semitic/Turkish too.

Very similar to all neighborhood Islamic states.

They're more white/whitish, than Southern/South-Eastern Asians.

So this kinda goes against your theory.

I've never said genetics aren't important anyway, just that infrastructure and money, money is most important.

I kinda suspect that it's not ancestry as such, but a urbanization and population levels.

If you look at places that are considered 'fat and nonathletic', they're generally hugely (over)populated places like India itself.

Where ability to function and navigate trough complex and crowded/hierarchical society was by far most important trait for reproductive success.

While having huge, muscled body consuming a lot of energy on physical feats being actually counter-productive.

I have no idea how all this disproves my assertion. In this whole statement I did not see one citation/medical study to support your argument. I already provided numerous peer reviewed studies to support my premise. There is indeed a link between genetics and the unathletic south asian physical phenotype

And no it is not just about infrastructure. Samoa lacks infrastructure in all sports yet samoans excel in NFL, rugby, fight sports and are over represented percentage wise

Over 70 players in the NFL are of Polynesian descent. There are 30 players from American Samoa in the NFL and more than 200 play Division I NCAA Football. A Samoan male is 56 times more likely to play in the NFL than an American non-Samoan


northern indians (aryans) are the least athletic people in the world by far. The caste system, arranged marriages and lack of meritocracy in partner selection has meant that the gene pool has selected for a less physically leaning population.

India Is The Impotence Capital Of The World' "India is the impotence capital of the world, not just in sheer numbers but also in prevalence rates. Impotence affects over 50 per cent of males above 40, and contributing causes are heart disease, hypertension, excessive smoking and drinking. In India there has been a steep rise in heart ailments, and this has also been reflected in the rise in levels of impotency." https://www.outlookindia.com/magazine/story/india-is-the-impotence-capital-of-the-world/239548

"Impotence is emerging as a major cause of divorce in India, says a recent study, adding that around 20-30 percent marriages in India are breaking up for want of satisfaction in sexual life. The study" http://www.thehealthsite.com/sexual-health/more-and-more-indian-marriages-breaking-up-due-to-erectile-dysfunction/
I mean, shit dude - I have some Irish in my heritage. Many more countries I'd knock before Ireland.

That's a good point about boxing shift to mma. Same could be said about other sports - most of our country's best athletes don't even do combat sports. I think the sport would look a whole lot different if dudes like LeBron James were in the cage.

Money talks I suppose, paid to more to play with balls than be kicked in the face! Untill athletes are paid what they are due I don’t think there will be a big change, guess all NFL takes a lot of the heavyweight size talent. Same over here, all the big guys play rugby in general.
No wonder the heavyweight division has so little fresh blood.

There is a real split over here, the boxing community really looks down on MMA, Barry McGuigan when talking about MMA said “all that rolling around the ground scratching and biting” even with McGregor Ireland still hasn’t totally got over the human cockfighting label.

Think there is a bit of pride in being a boxing nation too, bit like Thailand I suppose, the boxing side don’t want to see young guys doing MMA when they should be boxing in their eyes. Local politicians up north where
I live even got an MMA event banned a few years back, something about Jesus not approving of MMA. Irish Jesus is more judgemental than American Jesus It seems...
I work with a ton of Indians and they don't seem to be into MMA much. That said, India is a massive country with over a billion people. One would think they'd be able to produce a top tier fighter or two.

However all the Indians I work with don't seem to possess an athletic bone in their body. I'm confident that if my office had an open weight tournament I'd at least make it to the finals.

So, will we ever see Dana putting the belt on an Indian fighter?
in boxing I would love to see sim bhullar try switiching from basketball. He isn't going to the nba so he should leave basketball. But 7 foot 5 high center of gravity and a 98 inch wing span. An he Is 360 pounds when playing basketball back up to 400 pounds during off seasons.
They just signed Arjun Bhullar, he's a Heavyweight from Canada with Olympic level wrestling credentials.

But it just Indians from India are more into telling their kids to focus on education and not sports.

And the kids who do go into sports, go into cricket, more you can make millions dollars easily.
but how many kids in india actually get some sort of an education? It does have a grappling and wrestling culture in the villages
India needs help with its diet and training methods. The diet is high carbs and sugar with very little healthy fats and little protein
Hold a strap? The only Indian fighter I can name is Dhalsim. Internationally, the most famous athlete from the highest populated country on Earth is fine ass Sania Mirza, a female doubles tennis player. I do know a tough as hell Indian over here on Visa, intimidating, muscular, stab wounds. Hard Indians do actually exist take my word for it. Who here has trained with a tough, scrappy Indian dude? They're like unicorns, and don't quote me about cricket. Wanted to confirm there are some hard Indians out there, because they're so rare.
I work with a ton of Indians and they don't seem to be into MMA much. That said, India is a massive country with over a billion people. One would think they'd be able to produce a top tier fighter or two.

However all the Indians I work with don't seem to possess an athletic bone in their body. I'm confident that if my office had an open weight tournament I'd at least make it to the finals.

So, will we ever see Dana putting the belt on an Indian fighter?

They're afflicted with poverty and is subject to "failure to thrive".

Nope, never..

There is a small chance if a high-level Indian wrestler transitions to mma, but most Indian wrestlers are screwed when they meet an American/Russian/Iranian.. just about every other high-level wrestlers
the only way an Indian puts another man to sleep is by renting him a cheap hotel room.
An Indian UFC fighter just received a 2 year ban
Culture can change relatively rapidly. Who knows there could be an MMA craze in Indian at some point and with over a billion people there would definitely be some good fighters.
Considering that most of the events are held at casinos, I'm pretty sure plenty of Indians have held the belt before.
I sure hope so, cause that'd be fuckin' awesome.

I work with a ton of Indians and they don't seem to be into MMA much. That said, India is a massive country with over a billion people. One would think they'd be able to produce a top tier fighter or two.

However all the Indians I work with don't seem to possess an athletic bone in their body. I'm confident that if my office had an open weight tournament I'd at least make it to the finals.

So, will we ever see Dana putting the belt on an Indian fighter?
Certainly. India has one of the oldest wrestling/martial arts cultures.

Go watch Fight Quest. :D