Yeah, see this is your usual thing and we'll get into your obtuse position in a second.
Interesting you'd use a crazed lady to define the liberal agenda. It's also quite interesting you're assuming the black religious woman is a liberal, but hey it's totally possible. Just interesting you'd assume that. But I guess she wouldn't even have to be liberal for your position "this is how liberals think" to be true.
Now, to your position: You believe this lady speaks for the liberal side, and that the liberal position would be that people should not have automatic weapons out in public during the heightened civil unrest and lawlessness? Or is your position of her position be extended to that peoples without citizenship should not be allowed to possess firearms in America? I know that you're going to say "No, that she said they can loot the store" but she doesn't say that and you know it. The closest she gets if "if we decided to loot their store" before she starts screaming at Allah. Not sure why you assume she's talking about liberals looting, that anyone would actually loot etc... She seems to imply that having those guns is fucking stupid because they'd need to be on guard all day if someone did decide to loot the store. Now I guess as a very-scared boi you could see that as a threat. I just hear a light-crazed black lady screaming some shit and outta line. For you "that's liberals". For me that's "this lady".
Ultimately, she seems extremely upset that people can walk around with automatic weapons. She definitely doesn't seem to like Arab people and that's disgusting. But liberals don't hate muslims, so your position of "she speaks for the left" already kinda falls apart there. But then you'll pivot to "no, specifically when she says they deserve to be able to loot" and as we already noted, she doesn't.
Jokes on you, Poland doesn't have mirrors. Seriously though, wtf is up your stronkboi avatar and super cool typing skillz? You wanna kiss later? Jklulz im jus playin #yourluckyilikebadbois
I’m going to make sure this motherfucker gets burned down
Miles Jacks it to the shit at night, otherwise he wouldn’t be here defending her.