Moguls are the sort that money is a means to an end of amassing greater wealth; normal people put in 9-5 and go home with a paycheque, disconnect and live their "real" life, so to speak.
People grumble over wanting Dana's job, for example, but most likely do not understand that positions like his are 24/7 - you have no disconnect as you are connected all the time. It's not for everyone; in fact, it's not for most. That is the mogul's sort.
The purchasers acquired in recent years a bull-riding organisation and it has since seen great success; neither that nor this with the UFC were money-grabs, correct, but it was because, as moguls are the sort, they wanted simply to diversify and break into sport from their already strong presence in entertainment and talent managment. All eggs in many baskets, if you will.