Why were steroids... (read thread)

By taking illegal acquired performance enhancing drugs and paying off unscrupulous doctors to administer large amounts of steroids behind closed doors...

All of which is illegal...

But because pro bodybuilding doesnt have drug testing and it isnt a sport, so much as a spectacle and show ...( Like a beauty pageant) ..they arent pursued or questioned about it...

If investigated , there would alot of Drs losing licences or guys caught with illegal steroids in their possession...

U cant find whats not being looked for....that whole industry has massive blinders on because you cant sell GNC/Popeye's supplements with out Mr .Olympia taking pictures in Muscle and Fitness magazine...much like action Actors in movies...

ok if a doctor prescribed all that gear to our imaginary bber

why wouldn't that same concept work for a mma fighter?

if a doctor prescribes it, its legal right?
It's a screen cap of him exhaling and pushing his stomach out. That's not how HGH gut works. It doesn't magically turn on and off.

Try exhaling and pushing your stomach out. You can temporarily look like that too. Stop being a retard.
sounds to me like the definition of bubble gut
low body fat percentage
abs popping out
big stomach
a sight to behold
Since you understand pictures better than words, I'll post a pic of someone who actually failed steroid tests

relax its a compliment to his pshyique
im actually praising the man because he is a once in a lifetime specimen
shoulders bigger than his head
bodyfat percent very low with alot of muscle mass
veins popping in his shoulders
actualy muscles just grow even though he doesnt bodybuild
just by doing cardio he has more muscles

imagine if the man tried bodybuilding
if brock is a freak of nature
GSP is the freak of the universe

now imagine if he is enhanced.

Yup. It's like when people were claiming Lance Armstrong was clean in what is basically the dirtiest sport known to mankind. Sure....I'm gonna believe that a clean athlete is somehow beating all these PED users. I mean it's possible but very unlikely.
it is
according to gsp huggers
and i also agree with them
hes the only natural fighter
beating ped abusers

calls for drug testing
immidietly retires when it came

the man is bored beating enhanced fighters
it would be too easy for him fighting clean fighters
maybe thats the whole reason he retired
Easy question to answer it's the simple fact that it's unfair. And banned back then there was no agency or anti doping so to get caught you really had to be careless or an ametuar..

Now you have usada and testing. The fact that this stuff is alchemy and a skill and it can get complicated. Guys will still try and juice to beat the system. And it's become a bigger deal because most in the UFC league don't use steroids so if you are it's real unfair. And that's why it's a bigger deal.

Back then you can get away with it. And everyone could do it. So nobody cares because they all felt they had the edge.
it is
according to gsp huggers
and i also agree with them
hes the only natural fighter
beating ped abusers

calls for drug testing
immidietly retires when it came

the man is bored beating enhanced fighters
it would be too easy for him fighting clean fighters
maybe thats the whole reason he retired

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.....heh. The biggest problem with PEDs in general to me, is that the rich can afford better ones than the poorer fighters. And it basically forces all fighters to be on some sort of PEDs in order to compete. So some guys who are worried about long term effects can't compete with those who just juice up or get on some good gear.

Of course the problem with testing is that the rich guys can find new designer ways to beat the system, whereas the poorer guys can't, so it's still an unfair playing field. But again, it's the same in all sports really.
Could you give me insights on these questions please?

1) You often hear people say, "What fighter wouldn't use steroids in the UFC back then?" – apparently referring to a period just before Jon Jones emerged and dominated. Though I could be off, maybe the steroid era really hit its peak around 2010-2014, right around Jon’s prime. Before 2009, it didn't seem as widespread. Even GSP, who’s from the older generation of fighters, heavily criticized how rampant roids had become. So, which is it? Was steroid use a big issue before Jones, or did it blow up during his rise?

2) Fast forward a bit, and suddenly steroids became a huge concern for new athletes coming in – even for guys like Daniel Cormier. Meanwhile, you’ve got Chael Sonnen straight up admitting he was juiced to the gills against Jon Jones. Then, there’s the infamous TRT Vitor Belfort era, where the UFC, possibly, turned a blind eye to what seemed like obvious steroid use (I mean, the guy’s abs were unreal).

So, what changed the perception? It seems like the UFC was [perhaps, not sure] either treating it casually or actively ignoring it, but then, at some point, they flipped the narrative: "Oh my god, did we really let that happen? That's not what we stand for!"

It feels like it hit a breaking point where the abuse was so blatant that the UFC couldn’t ignore it anymore. Cue USADA stepping in – and the UFC, suddenly all about the integrity of the sport, is like, "Yeah, we need to crack down on this." And then, bam, steroids are now a scandal when they should’ve always been.

I may be off in the above about many stuff, but still, there was definitely a shift somewhere in the middle that explains how it went from being almost accepted to being a huge deal. Any insights on those in-betweens? Thanks btw
Uh, weird questions. There was never a "steroid era" in so much as you are implying. Steroids have almost always been illegal in the UFC, the testing has just varied.

Pretty much, everybody wants every advantage they can get, and prior to USADA fighters were clearly juiced to the gills. I'd give examples but the fact is there were too many to even begin to list. Even before USADA though, tons of dudes were pissing hot, some several times.

Then there was TRT, which had to be banned thanks to the amount of 30-ish dudes clearly abusing it.

Even under USADA, there were several fighters who were extremely sus, but cheating will always outpace regulations.