Why were steroids... (read thread)


He's lucky he didn't need to get his head re-attached after this...

My favorite part is how Hart rolled himself up into a pin so a nearly paralyzed Austin would still get the win…
Fighters have used steroids since the UFC started, they used them during USADA, & they still use them today; the difference between each era is how much, how often, & what drugs they used.
There is no way to eliminate PEDs from sports & trying so hard to do so is a net-negative to the sport, as well as the fighters themselves.

Legal medication requires a prescription.....

Otherwise it is illegal...

What part are you not understanding...

Did you forget a few minutes ago when you typed "100% illegal"? That would be the part I am not understanding. Doesn't seem like you understand your own postings.
I think MMA fans were in denial about how rampant PED usage is. It used to be ban worthy on sherdog to accuse someone of using steroids. Then when USADA and random testing was introduced, everyone started getting caught.

If you think about it, prior to random testing it was insanely easy to do PEDs and just cycle off before the tests. I would wager 90% of athletes were on them back then.
OK I see your sarcasm but it falls apart for 3 reasons

Like mentioned before, he offered to pay for drug testing beyond the ufc standard and even went through the process himself when he was called out for steroids by the Hendricks camp

He came back from retirement and fought a fight in the USADA era

He's never actually had a positive test. All you have is speculation

Now I don't discount the possibility that he may have done it at some point in his career, but I just can't prove it, and neither can you.
im actualy praising gsp for being natural
if brock is a genetic freak
gsp is a freak of the universe
if yoel needed cubas experiment on him
gsp doesnt

yes bro i agree with you gsp called for drug testing
but retired the soon it implemented
hes natural bro no ones arguing

lets look at the once in a lifetime specimen
veins everywhere
shoulders almost as big as his head
doesnt do bodybuilding
cardio alone gives him muscle as an mma fighter

Gsp doesnt need to juice he already is a great specimen
guys like johny needs it
look at that shoulders brother
GSP did not have bubble gut. This was such a retarded talking point.
i am no expert but he clearly has a low body fat percentage
but has a stomach as big as that
maybe he ate too much and say im just gonna train
who cares if im full

what a specimen he is
if that is true
im actualy praising gsp for being natural
if brock is a genetic freak
gsp is a freak of the universe
if yoel needed cubas experiment on him
gsp doesnt

yes bro i agree with you gsp called for drug testing
but retired the soon it implemented
hes natural bro no ones arguing

lets look at the once in a lifetime specimen
veins everywhere
shoulders almost as big as his head
doesnt do bodybuilding
cardio alone gives him muscle as an mma fighter

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Gsp doesnt need to juice he already is a great specimen
guys like johny needs it
look at that shoulders brother
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You didn't actually read my post. We're going in circles here.
i am no expert but he clearly has a low body fat percentage
but has a stomach as big as that
maybe he ate too much and say im just gonna train
who cares if im full

what a specimen he is
if that is true
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You guys found a single pic of him exhaling and clung to that narrative, despite him looking normal in every other pic. That's not how HGH gut works, it doesn't just show up once and then disappear. It was always a ridiculous talking point.
You didn't actually read my post. We're going in circles here.
im actually praising him for trying to call drug testing
but retired the soon as it was implemented

it would be boring for him to fight drug tested fighters
hes the only natural fighter fighting ped abusers
You guys found a single pic of him exhaling and clung to that narrative, despite him looking normal in every other pic. That's not how HGH gut works, it doesn't just show up once and then disappear. It was always a ridiculous talking point.
but it looks like a bubble gut
you can even see the definition in his abs
maybe my eyes are not good already :)
As the saying goes; my favorite fighter is natural because he told me so and I believe him.

What a lot of people fail to realize is that these guys started off at a young age taking PED and they have to continue to do so if they want to perform. Just because a MMA fighter is nice and is a great ambassador to the sport still means absolutely nothing. It's a part of the game. Niceness has nothing to do with it.
im actually praising him for trying to call drug testing
but retired the soon as it was implemented

it would be boring for him to fight drug tested fighters
hes the only natural fighter fighting ped abusers
Since you understand pictures better than words, I'll post a pic of someone who actually failed steroid tests

but it looks like a bubble gut
you can even see the definition in his abs
maybe my eyes are not good already :)
It's a screen cap of him exhaling and pushing his stomach out. That's not how HGH gut works. It doesn't magically turn on and off.

Try exhaling and pushing your stomach out. You can temporarily look like that too. Stop being a retard.
Tbf when I watched the doc I didn't think he was saying CTE isn't real, just that you shouldn't get it from wrestling in his opinion.
Also shouldn't have necks broken nearly paralyzing you. But he knows first hand that shit happens, so still a bit of a brain dead take in an industry thats so physically taxing, and impossible to always do perfectly. Regardless how it's sliced he's coming off pretty ignorant.
Did you forget a few minutes ago when you typed "100% illegal"? That would be the part I am not understanding. Doesn't seem like you understand your own postings.

Do you understand how prescriptions work? ..

Steroids are illegal for the average person to have without a medical prescription....just like narcotic pain killers are....

Its known as a controlled substance...

No matter how you try and phrase it ...the fact remains ..they are an illegal substance outside of controlled medical use via prescription...

Its literally the same as Oxy Codin, Nd morphine...these drugs are illegal to have in your possession outside of controlled amounts via prescription, with proper bottles and paperwork with you at all times...

There's a reason why fighters dont just walk around talking about roids and taking them on camera/social media posts ..

Because they would go to jail, and fuck up their careers via drug tests...

If it was legal ...why would it be a hidden locker room thing ? ..
Do you understand how prescriptions work? ..

Steroids are illegal for the average person to have without a medical prescription....just like narcotic pain killers are....

Its known as a controlled substance...

No matter how you try and phrase it ...the fact remains ..they are an illegal substance outside of controlled medical use via prescription...

Its literally the same as Oxy Codin, Nd morphine...these drugs are illegal to have in your possession outside of controlled amounts via prescription, with proper bottles and paperwork with you at all times...

There's a reason why fighters dont just walk around talking about roids and taking them on camera/social media posts ..

Because they would go to jail, and fuck up their careers via drug tests...

If it was legal ...why would it be a hidden locker room thing ? ..
how exactly do you think American bodybuilders get their gear?
how exactly do you think American bodybuilders get their gear?

By taking illegal acquired performance enhancing drugs and paying off unscrupulous doctors to administer large amounts of steroids behind closed doors...

All of which is illegal...

But because pro bodybuilding doesnt have drug testing and it isnt a sport, so much as a spectacle and show ...( Like a beauty pageant) ..they arent pursued or questioned about it...

If investigated , there would alot of Drs losing licences or guys caught with illegal steroids in their possession...

U cant find whats not being looked for....that whole industry has massive blinders on because you cant sell GNC/Popeye's supplements with out Mr .Olympia taking pictures in Muscle and Fitness magazine...much like action Actors in movies...
