Why were so many experts so wrong about JDS v Cain?


White Belt
Jan 7, 2013
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Whilst its easy to laugh in retrospect, there was no shortage of paid pundits and perhaps a little less lauded ones in the land of resident og poster or internet gambling guru, who were so damn sure that cain was going to get ktfo. again.


jds, whilst being extremely efficient in what he does, hadnt fought too many top mma wrestlers. and no carwin doesnt count.

indeed, cain had all the attributes in heinsight to destroy a two point striker with relatively untested defensive boxing at that level, and a worrying belief in his own promotional material. whilst its obvious jds is no art jimmerson, he had never demonstrated offensive prowess in wrestling, kicking or bjj.

all of this leaves a punchers chance against a guy who hed already caught once that way, and who had spent the best part of a year training against a repeat.

full marks do go to cain for continuing to evolve as a fighter, but jds in a lot of his fights had been stretched to places where any thinking observer would recognise, cain would excell beyond.

going however long he went against mir and carwin, without the magic bullet punch, may not have represented a threat in itself. neither does failing to repeat what arlovski did in putting away nelson. but the differance is that cain, left alive for that long would be a nightmare.

as it was cain didnt need to wait out the gas tank. he took the wheel and destroyed the "mystique" in one round.

why do so many people talk with such certainty about mma fights and then are so very wrong?

special mention to greg savage who called it right. i had cain too, but no i didnt pull the trigger and bet on him, so more fool me for listening to the experts.
i aint reading that

when the #1 and #2 guy fight once, whoever wins the 1st match people will say will win the 2nd
I think it was a combination of JDS's hype (largely deserved) and the memory of the first fight. People seemed to be using that image of Cain rather than the one that smoked Nog, Bigfoot, Lesnar, etc. JDS at -200 or whatever was far too much of a discrepancy for those two fighters. Could JDS have caught him again? Sure, but aside from that it was Cain's fight to lose. No way he should've been that big of an underdog.
In their two fights, each guy has dominated with his strength. The fact that the 1st fight ended so quickly is a testament to JDS' power, while the 2nd fight showed how dominant a wrestler Cain is.

If they fought a 3rd time I would expect a pretty even fight over 5 rounds, since now each knows what the other brings.

Make no mistake, JDS is still the 2nd-best HWT in the world, and on any given day he's the best.
Because its MMA and anything can happen...?
I'm obviously not an expert but I couldn't get the image of the first fight out of my head. JDS proved he could KO Cain, so it made sense to pick him again.
Because every body knows that brazillian boxers always destroy top american wrestlers, just look at what Lil-Nog has done to the LHW division.

It's the HW division, the most fickle of them all.
because it's a fight

and if you recall he already beat Cain once
Because fights are unpredictable and most can go in any number of factors, including who has a better night and a bit of luck. People who said that Cain had nothing to offer JDS and felt that the relatively quick knockout in the first fight was an objective measuring stick of the overall skill of the two fighters either hasn't watched much MMA or haven't learned much from what they have watched.

... cain had all the attributes in heinsight to destroy a two point striker ...

Stay in school, kids.
I'm not sure but I'm glad JDS was the fav because Cain paid for my entire new years, vodka, club and taxi home!
why do so many people talk with such certainty about mma fights and then are so very wrong?

People get confused about the difference between fact and opinion. They say to themselves, "hey I think this so it must be right, right?"

I personally thought cigano would win. I wasn't shocked that Cain won but I was surprised by how easily he pounded junior. Hopefully we get to see the third installment between these two.

P.S. that pic doesn't look too pleasant for jds
why do so many people talk with such certainty about mma fights and then are so very wrong?

People get confused about the difference between fact and opinion. They say to themselves, "hey I think this so it must be right, right?"

I personally thought cigano would win. I wasn't shocked that Cain won but I was surprised by how easily he pounded junior. Hopefully we get to see the third installment between these two.

P.S. that pic doesn't look too pleasant for jds
Because people can convince themselves of anything they want to believe.

JDS v Moorecroft is a no brainer that you can predict every time.

To say Cain had no chance is ignorant.

They fight will always be 50/50 in my eyes.