why is the card tomorrow?


Gold Belt
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
why does the ufc keep picking the worst days show the fights?
Didn’t realise they needed your permission, asshole!
Its the first Friday night card since the extinction of fucking dinosaurs.

Since you say that the UFC keeps picking the worst days for cards which are 99.9% of the time on Saturdays I am gonna have to assume that you are happy about the card being Friday night for once.
I believe China requested this card be tomorrow and ufc danced to their overlords tune.
Water is wet, fire burns, cards are on Friday sometimes.
Because white belts can Start threads anymore
So I could take half the day off to watch it. Thanks, UFC!
A Saturday card would conflict with MLB playoffs and college football. Only a really big card would be able to pull against both of those. Sports bars wouldn't likely buy a UFC PPV when a lot of people are probably already going to be showing up Saturday night for baseball and football anyway.