Why every MMA generation needs a Nick Diaz

I wouldn’t say they’re dumb, as much as they lack a formal education and, more than likely, have an untreated learning disability. Both their parents were fast food workers, and I think they dropped out to help out. I remember seeing an interview with Nick (circa 2006-7ish), were he indicated he had to fight in order to provide for them. They seem plenty intelligent as it relates to their field.

I don’t disagree, I meant in more of a school learning, book smarts way. I think they are street smart, but I don’t think they can read us all. Not to be a dick, but to exaggerate my point.
every fighter wishes they were Nick Diaz.
Tough dude, awesome legacy of highlight reel fights, epic heel approach. His gogoplata on Gomi was one of the greatest submissions ever. Always entertained by the shenanigans of the Diaz clan.
Over 7 years since Nick Diaz won a fight. He's irrelevant.
Liked him when he actually fought.
Nick had great style to watch, nice unorthodox boxing, great bjj, his kicks were also great but he didn't use them a lot. He went to war and what's surprising he didn't like fighting, that was his job, which makes him more impressive because he left tons of heart in the cage
Do you?

Or do you prefer fighters who land a few “significant” strikes, defend a surprise TD, and then get a surprise TD of their own late in the round that leads to nothing?
I prefer fighters that get in the octagon, sorry you couldn't comprehend that.
Closest thing to Nick is Tony, completely unpredictable.
much respect to nick diaz if he never fights again he will still go down as one of the best to ever do it, the guy was always about putting on a real fight win or lose
I think the Diaz brothers are actually pretty smart. They appeal to a niche group of MMA fans as being “idgaf tough guys”.

But reality is they’re gatekeepers at best and so it’s to their best interest to just bark on social media and appease those niche fans. Their hope is to land a lucrative fight every few years. The problem is they are just not very good and will lose more often than not when it comes to high profile fights.

So they deal with the dilemma of fighting often and losing every other fight which will hurt their marketability or they sit and make unrealistic demands and hope the UFC caves. But at this point, most fans are tired of their high demand tactics and just want them to stfu.
Nick was always my favorite fighter to watch, pure technique and finishing instinct.

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