Why does Tyrone Woodley have an analyst gig if UFC is racist?

I'm not even a Conor fan. Try again.

What Woodley is doing is Jesse Jacksoning the issue for his own personal gain. That's called exploitation, and if he really gave a shit he wouldn't be using it as a hook to make money.

I haven't seen Tyrone Woodley in Africa or Haiti... or anywhere even in the U.S.... helping any of his brothers.

I just hear him whining about how life isn't fair... despite him being a millionaire.

He is literally one of the 1%'ers and he's still crying lol
Not from me he won't. I would only buy a card with him on it based on how much I wanted to see the other fighters involved. Woodley exists as one big strike against every card that he is featured in from my perspective. Time will only tell how much others feel that way. All that he has done is made it nearly impossible to market him to a largely white UFC demographic. There is a big difference between being a heel and downright insulting an entire fan-base. Look at what happened to the NFL ratings after Colin Kaepernick and his obnoxious racial agenda. Trump won and painted the electoral map red for a reason. With the exception of weak-minded liberals, most people are tired of the incessant complaining.



Media Admits Kaepernick Protest Hurt NFL Ratings

It's a free country so feel free to bitch...even if it's about others bitching.
Analyst and host gigs are still given to DC and Rashad UFC is not racist at all they want to reach out to all the types of people to get more viewers.

They want a Latino champion, a black champion, Euro champion, Canadian, Brazilian champion so they can get more buys and viewers. Tyron don't bring in buys at all, since people already don't like him might as well run with it so he use the race card to get more hate on him, love him or hate him people like us will be talking about him and will be watching him.
Doesn't really make sense to me, dude gets treated fairly well by UFC, gets gifted title shot, analyst gig and what not. I don't see the poor treatment Tyrone keeps crying about maybe someone can elaborate?

Its obviously for equal opportunity employment. They only hired him because he is black... And only pay him the same as everyone else because he is black... And he's only given the same opportunities and treatment as everyone else because he's black...

Can't you see how racist that is!?
yeah! the blacks have jobs! no way murka is racist if we give the blacks jobs!
Doesn't really make sense to me, dude gets treated fairly well by UFC, gets gifted title shot, analyst gig and what not. I don't see the poor treatment Tyrone keeps crying about maybe someone can elaborate?

I watched his interview with ariel. He seemed hesitant to give examples, implying he got a smaller lockeroom, ppl were thinking wonderboy was going to win.

I think he is a very confused individual. I am vehemontly against racism but tyron is a big whiner. He needs the everybody is against me mentality.
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I know there's been a lot of replies but thanks for bring it up. I didn't even think of that.
I haven't seen Tyrone Woodley in Africa or Haiti... or anywhere even in the U.S.... helping any of his brothers.

I just hear him whining about how life isn't fair... despite him being a millionaire.

He is literally one of the 1%'ers and he's still crying lol

Pretty much. His interest in the plight of the black man is about as sincere as Mark Hunt genuinely lobbying for a clean sport.