Why does Tyrone Woodley have an analyst gig if UFC is racist?

I feel like Racism is a spectrum. Not all racists hate others the same amount.
and you think Conor is a genuis when he uses racist sluur against fightera? calling siver a nazi and sht...What Woodley is doing is creating buzz for himself and its working, yall all eating it up. Woodley is some what right, mma fans are fill with hillbilly and rednecks, you can check out some of the posts on sherdog and see for yourself.

I'm not even a Conor fan. Try again.

What Woodley is doing is Jesse Jacksoning the issue for his own personal gain. That's called exploitation, and if he really gave a shit he wouldn't be using it as a hook to make money.
Doesn't really make sense to me, dude gets treated fairly well by UFC, gets gifted title shot, analyst gig and what not. I don't see the poor treatment Tyrone keeps crying about maybe someone can elaborate?
Another mark gets worked
Woodley is a dick. Dude is a wicked fighter but a such a salty twat. Does he not realise that in order to get paid shitloads, people have to either like you or have a massive interest in watching you fight in case you get sparked. His attitude just makes people turn off the TV. Playing the racism card every time he doesn't get what he wants is pure BS.
If he gets fired from it, we all know the actions came from UFC.
No. You're doing the same thing again, posting 20-30 times in Woodley racism threads and that's just looking at your first 2 pages of history.

What does that have to do with THIS thread, that I didn't post in until you mentioned me?
Tyron is either a delusional moron (for believing he's being mistreated due to his race) or a complete asshole (for exploiting race tensions to garner attention for the fight)

He is not a moron ... he is a puppeteer and pulling all your strings.

Look how much everyone is talking about him now.

Love him or hate him ... he created controversy and that will get him more PPV numbers even if its people who want to see him lose.
Tyron is either a delusional moron (for believing he's being mistreated due to his race) or a complete asshole (for exploiting race tensions to garner attention for the fight)

He really is the epitome of either "with me or against me" but if you don't like him it's not cause he's a self hating dick who knocked out one of my favs, it's cause I'm racist. Like really? You can't just play the race card cause people don't like you, quite frankly for obvious reasons that aren't race related. He's just a hard guy to like with a shitty perspective and attitude, instead of using his time as champ to set a good example, he's trying to garner sympathy for something he really doesn't have a claim too.
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

-- Booker T. Washington

Inb4 racist regressives call him a coon.....
He really is the epitome of either "with me or against me" but if you don't like him it's not cause he's a self hating dick who knocked out one of my favs, it's cause I'm racist. Like really? You can't just play the race card cause people don't like you, quite frankly for obvious reasons that aren't race related. He's just a hard guy to like with a shitty perspective and attitude, instead of using his time as champ to set a good example, he's trying to garner sympathy for something he really doesn't have a claim too.

A lot of folks seem overly sensitive to his position even if his claims don't apply to them.
He is not a moron ... he is a puppeteer and pulling all your strings.

Look how much everyone is talking about him now.

Love him or hate him ... he created controversy and that will get him more PPV numbers even if its people who want to see him lose.

So then he's a complete asshole, you seriously stopped reading my post after one sentence, you must have the attention span of a gnat.
He is not a moron ... he is a puppeteer and pulling all your strings.

Look how much everyone is talking about him now.

Love him or hate him ... he created controversy and that will get him more PPV numbers even if its people who want to see him lose.

Not from me he won't. I would only buy a card with him on it based on how much I wanted to see the other fighters involved. Woodley exists as one big strike against every card that he is featured in from my perspective. Time will only tell how much others feel that way. All that he has done is made it nearly impossible to market him to a largely white UFC demographic. There is a big difference between being a heel and downright insulting an entire fan-base. Look at what happened to the NFL ratings after Colin Kaepernick and his obnoxious racial agenda. Trump won and painted the electoral map red for a reason. With the exception of weak-minded liberals, most people are tired of the incessant complaining.



Media Admits Kaepernick Protest Hurt NFL Ratings
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