Why does sherdog have a stiffy about prospects failing?

How insecure do you have to be to let other people's opinions and statements dictate how you view and enjoy the sport?

Stop giving a fuck about other people and who they root for.
I think it adds to the sport, I'm more invested in watching Khazmat as a corollary. Whilst I've enjoyed Khazmat's fights to a degree I'll also enjoy it if and when he is humbled. Part of a sport is triumphing in your favorites success and crowing about your rivals failures. I respect your attitude but I wonder if that extends to team sports, you're not one of the guys who doesn't support a team are you, and is just one of those weirdos who goes on about wanting to see good play regardless of the outcome? Surely you have favourite fighters in MMA and those you dislike?
I think it adds to the sport, I'm more invested in watching Khazmat as a corollary. Whilst I've enjoyed Khazmat's fights to a degree I'll also enjoy it if and when he is humbled. Part of a sport is triumphing in your favorites success and crowing about your rivals failures. I respect your attitude but I wonder if that extends to team sports, you're not one of the guys who doesn't support a team are you, and is just one of those weirdos who goes on about wanting to see good play regardless of the outcome? Surely you have favourite fighters in MMA and those you dislike?

How do you define humbled? And why do you enjoy it?

I don't care much about team sports in general.

I have my favorites and some I dislike, yeah. But I don't base it on what other people think of them.
How do you define humbled? And why do you enjoy it?

I don't care much about team sports in general.

I have my favorites and some I dislike, yeah. But I don't base it on what other people think of them.
I'd say Edmen was humbled this evening. Him and his team were talking about him being the youngest UFC champion in history. Tonight was a reality check that he couldn't run through the competition. It was enjoyable to see the hype train be derailed. Oh I wouldn't for a moment let someone else be the determining factor whether I like or dislike a fighter but a lot of hype/noise around a fighter may actually get me interested enough to watch them fight. As a corollary with Khazmat for instance if he goes out and beats someone legit in his next fight you'd start to take more notice and think he might actually be a legitimate threat to the elite, or on the flip side he could get brutally finished which will lead to much amusement on these boards at the expense of those who were all too quick to jump on the next hype train. This to me is the essence of the 'Dog. If that irks you so I'm a bit confused as to why you're on this forum tbh.
human nature, it's to watch others fail.
MMA Fans - "The UFC don't build up their prospects" ... Prospect loses once ... MMA Fans - "I knew he sucked!"
Actually, it's "The UFC don't build up their prospects correctly"

UFC pushed him hard. They used Ronda to promote him. Betting odds were in his favor despite having no credible fights in the top 10.

To the UFC: Stop selling these untested prospects as hard as you can. Don't fool people into thinking they're the next best thing without ever having given them a legit test. It's embarrassing when an over-hyped fighter gets beat the fuck up.

To the fans: Slow the fuck down, stop acting like you guys are on some Nostradamus shit with these people that you are predicting will be champion. You idiots are beyond annoying, and on one will remember that you "predicted" shit.

I guess what annoys me is that these days we can't have logical discussions about why someone thinks a fighter is good. It's mainly "this dude is going to fucking wreck the division, you heard it here first" type of bullshit every time, which was the case with Edmen. Even the UFC was promoting that shit, like he was some prodigy because he rolled with Ronda Rousey back in the day.
I'd say Edmen was humbled this evening. Him and his team were talking about him being the youngest UFC champion in history. Tonight was a reality check that he couldn't run through the competition. It was enjoyable to see the hype train be derailed.

Why do you enjoy seeing a man fail? And why do you care about the hype being derailed?

Oh I wouldn't for a moment let someone else be the determining factor whether I like or dislike a fighter but a lot of hype/noise around a fighter may actually get me interested enough to watch them fight. As a corollary with Khazmat for instance if he goes out and beats someone legit in his next fight you'd start to take more notice and think he might actually be a legitimate threat to the elite, or on the flip side he could get brutally finished which will lead to much amusement on these boards at the expense of those who were all too quick to jump on the next hype train. This to me is the essence of the 'Dog. If that irks you so I'm a bit confused as to why you're on this forum tbh.

Why were they too quick to jump on the hype train? Should you only enjoy and root for a fighter if he doesn't lose? Seems a fair weather fan mentality to me.

I'm on this forum initially to talk about MMA, not to take joy in other people's failed expectations or wishes. However, for a long time now I also enjoy subforums not about MMA, on here.
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Why do you enjoy seeing a man fail? And why do you care about the hype being derailed?

Why were they too quiick to jump on the hype train? Should you only enjoy and root for a fighter if he doesn't lose? Seems a fair weather fan mentality to me.

I'm on this forum initially to talk about MMA, not to take joy in other people's failed expectations or wishes. However, for a long time now I also enjoy subforums not about MMA, on here.
you seem to be annoyed by people enjoying seeing a man fail? why do you care?
Why do you enjoy seeing a man fail? And why do you care about the hype being derailed?

Why were they too quiick to jump on the hype train? Should you only enjoy and root for a fighter if he doesn't lose? Seems a fair weather fan mentality to me.

I'm on this forum initially to talk about MMA, not to take joy in other people's failed expectations or wishes. However, for a long time now I also enjoy subforums not about MMA, on here.
Kinda sounds like you are one of those people who is here only to enjoy quality MMA rather than have favourites and those you dislike. Nothing wrong with that but a cursory glance at the threads on the heavies boards would suggest it's not the place for you.

With regards to Khazmat I'd argue it's too early to suggest he'd fight Usman and to suggest that he'd clearly beat him and the other WW elite which is what several of the threads on here suggest. I'd equally say if you look at Edmen the hype train around him becoming the youngest champ in UFC history was tonight clearly proved to be laughably erroneous.

As for only supporting fighters that don't lose, of course not that is an absurd suggestion. I'd seriously question whether someone was a genuine fan of Edmen's if they are no longer a fan of his after tonight. On a personal level I'm still a massive Whittaker fan despite him getting destroyed by Adesanya. I'll back my boy to beat Cannonier in October and be back in a title fight come the new year. As for why I enjoyed tonight I already stated that I enjoyed the reality check for Edmen and his fans who claimed he was on his way to becoming the youngest champ in UFC history. I'll also add with regards to these boards it's funny to see those who were hyping guys like Edmen quickly change their tune the moment he loses. Should that happen to Khazmat I will enjoy pointing out their hypocrisy.
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Sad strange little men love letting their hatred out online :)
MMA fans are the worst.

MMA Fans - "Fighters don't get paid enough" ... Fighter that they don't feel deserves it gets paid a lot of money ... MMA Fans - "He/she's making too much!"
MMA Fans - "So and so shouldn't be ranked so high!" ... Fighter gets a title shot coming off of a KO loss .. MMA Fans - *crickets*
MMA Fans - "So and so is boring. Why don't they stand and bang" ... High level Kickboxing exists ... MMA Fans - Don't watch kickboxing
MMA Fans - "The UFC don't build up their prospects" ... Prospect loses once ... MMA Fans - "I knew he sucked!"

MMA Fans- "So and so is a future GOAT"....fighter is on a two fight win streak
MMA Fans- "Same so and so was overrated and I won money betting against him"....same fighter loses next fight
Kinda sounds like you are one of those people who is here only to enjoy quality MMA rather than have favourites and those you dislike. Nothing wrong with that but a cursory glance at the threads on the heavies boards would suggest it's not the place for you.

Not only quality MMA discussions. There is a lot of fun to be had too, but it doesn't have to be in a spiteful way. I also like having discussions in general. For quality MMA discussions this is not the ideal place, I agree. But there is no ideal place for that, and there still are rare instances and a few posters that do qualify for that purpose.

With regards to Khazmat I'd argue it's too early to suggest he'd fight Usman and to suggest that he'd clearly beat him and the other WW elite which is what several of the threads on here suggest. I'd equally say if you look at Edmen the hype train around him becoming the youngest champ in UFC history was tonight clearly proved to be laughably erroneous.

Why laughably though? Why not just erroneous?

As for only supporting fighters that don't lose, of course not that is an absurd suggestion.

It's not an absurd question. The way you postulated it, people were to quick to be on the hype train because he lost. Which seems to imply they would only have been warranted to be on the hype train if he didn't lose. Why?

I'd seriously question whether someone was a genuine fan of Edmen's if they are no longer a fan of his after tonight. On a personal level I'm still a massive Whittaker fan despite him getting destroyed by Adesanya. I'll back my boy to beat Cannonier in October and be back in a title fight come the new year. As for why I enjoyed tonight I already stated that I enjoyed the reality check for Edmen and his fans who claimed he was on his way to becoming the youngest champ in UFC history. I'll also add with regards to these boards it's funny to see those who were hyping guys like Edmen quickly change their tune the moment he loses. Should that happen to Khazmat I will enjoy pointing out their hypocrisy.

Yes, You already said you enjoyed that, to which I asked "Why?" To which you now just repeated your statement, not give an explanation.

I see that mentioned a lot on here. SDers say X, fighter loses, now SDers say Y. But how sure are you that those were the same people? I have asked this quite regularly and most of the time people don't know who said what. They just assume it were the same people, because they come from an emotional place and not from one of reason. I mean it does happen sometimes, that people actually quote contradicting statements from before and after, from the same poster, but that's more an exception than a rule.
Not only quality MMA discussions. There is a lot of fun to be had too, but it doesn't have to be in a spiteful way. I also like having discussions in general. For quality MMA discussions this is not the ideal place, I agree. But there is no ideal place for that, and there still are rare instances and a few posters that do qualify for that purpose.

Why laughably though? Why not just erroneous?

It's not an absurd question. The way you postulated it, people were to quick to be on the hype train because he lost. Which seems to imply they would only have been warranted to be on the hype train if he didn't lose. Why?

Yes, You already said you enjoyed that, to which I asked "Why?" To which you now just repeated your statement, not give an explanation.

I see that mentioned a lot on here. SDers say X, fighter loses, now SDers say Y. But how sure are you that those were the same people? I have asked this quite regularly and most of the time people don't know who said what. They just assume it were the same people, because they come from an emotional place and not from one of reason. I mean it does happen sometimes, that people actually quote contradicting statements from before and after, from the same poster, but that's more an exception than a rule.
Laughable because people were convinced he was the one meant to break the record and weren't shy about expressing that opinion in a rather obnoxious fashion. People clearly were quick to be on the hype train that suggested he was going to be the youngest champ in history because now clearly he won't be. You can be a fan without believing in the hype without being a dick, there's an important distinction to be made you either can't or won't accept. As for checking threads to see people changing their tune or their evidently wrong predictions, it's pretty easy to do mate, there's a search function on here that can cater to this purpose.

Lastly I said I enjoyed it because Edmen, his team and his fans were proved wrong, I didn't buy into the hype and didn't think he was going to break the record, which safe to say turned out to be an accurate prediction, that and I take a perverse sense of enjoyment watching fighters from Edmond's camp fail given he himself was in my and man other's estimation overhyped as a coach during Ronda's tenure but has largely proven to to hinder not help his fighters performances.
Laughable because people were convinced he was the one meant to break the record and weren't shy about expressing that opinion in a rather obnoxious fashion. People clearly were quick to be on the hype train that suggested he was going to be the youngest champ in history because now clearly he won't be. You can be a fan without believing in the hype without being a dick, there's an important distinction to be made you either can't or won't accept. As for checking threads to see people changing their tune or their evidently wrong predictions, it's pretty easy to do mate, there's a search function on here that can cater to this purpose.

How exactly were they obnoxious and a dick though? By stating something you don't agree with? Did they personally insult you when proclaiming their love for Edmen?

Lastly I said I enjoyed it because Edmen, his team and his fans were proved wrong, I didn't buy into the hype and didn't think he was going to break the record, which safe to say turned out to be an accurate prediction, that and I take a perverse sense of enjoyment watching fighters from Edmond's camp fail given he himself was in my and man other's estimation overhyped as a coach during Ronda's tenure but has largely proven to to hinder not help his fighters performances.

Why do you enjoy people being wrong? Do or don't you have empathy? Do you enjoy being wrong or do you enjoy people that take joy in you being wrong?
But you say it's a perverse enjoyment, so I guess that does kind of agree which the notion that it stems from insecurity. Which is kind of an answer to my initial question.

I enjoyed our conversation, though. I appreciate the effort you put in, bud.

Also, I did not ask which posters said what, to know who those posters are, I wanted to know how solid the foundation is that you build your observation on, that people switched their opinion. So only you can answer that question and not the search function.