He tested positive for drostanolone and was suspended 9 months following his debut. Had this been in the USADA era, he would've been suspended for two years. Nonetheless, the guy has a massive fan base and is generally regarded as a humble, honorable fighter. I just find it odd, since usually the forums tend to hate people that test positive, especially for a genuine steroid.
That's because people are too stupid to understand that some people just have those kind of genetics. It's just that sour grapes mentality. "I don't look as good as you do so you must be on something." Using the eye test is just supremely stupid.People still accuse Romero of being on steroids.
He also tried to say he didnt inject anything, looksOrtega didn’t own up to it. He tried to claim it was simply to help weight cutting. Which is better than claiming tainted supplements, but far from accepting accountability.
It gets talked about in almost every Ortega thread and the general consensus is that he owned up to it, did the time, and never tested positive again.
Because it was a mistake contamination.He tested positive for drostanolone and was suspended 9 months following his debut. Had this been in the USADA era, he would've been suspended for two years. Nonetheless, the guy has a massive fan base and is generally regarded as a humble, honorable fighter. I just find it odd, since usually the forums tend to hate people that test positive, especially for a genuine steroid.