Why does everyone just want to complain about the UFC?

:D :D :D Nah man, I prefer the early 90's era to be honest, over the top characters were much better than the sleazy AE shit lol :D








Also, the problem with the UFC at the moment is that their rankings don't mean anything. Even Rogan keeps referring to a fighters "stock" going up & down. It's supposed to be a sport first, entertainment second. Rankings should matter. Now it's all superfights...
Were bitter about our interest in MMA dwindling , but also rightfully annoyed at the crap the UFC puts out.




Also, the problem with the UFC at the moment is that their rankings don't mean anything. Even Rogan keeps referring to a fighters "stock" going up & down. It's supposed to be a sport first, entertainment second. Rankings should matter. Now it's all superfights...

Haha, quality, Mr Perfect was great lol

The Model Rick Martel though lol Million Dollar Man and Bret The Hitman Hart lol


This happens with everything, it's not exclusive to UFC.

Go on a Simpsons forum, they're complaining about The Simpsons.
Go on a WWE forum, they're complaining about the WWE.
Go on a bands forum, they're complaining about the band.

Honestly, nothing to complain about with the UFC for me personally, that doesn't mean other people's complaints aren't valid but it is a case of differentiating the one's who just complain just because and those who don't really complain about anything and everything other than when they feel it's something they want to express.

I guess it's knowing the people who post individually and you can usually get a good idea of who does and who doesn't :)
Exactly , usually the ppl who like my posts, reply to them or I have dialogue with are the same 10 to 12 regulars.

We have opinions, questions and back then up with facts, statements and evidence. In short actually discussions about my favorite sport with alot of sherdog jokes laced in between.

I just ignore the rest and it makes this place much more enjoyable......besides where else am I gunna go , Reddit? Fook that lmao
Because there’s always something to bitch about in life. Even if you’re dating the hottest chick in the world, it doesn’t mean her shit doesn’t stink. Again, there’s always something to bitch about even when things seem perfect. That said, the UFC is far from perfect and definitely leaves plenty of room for bitching.
Because people generally post on internet forums when they are feeling sad and lonely.

That's what's up.
I want to see it crash and burn. It's WMMA fault. Bring women in, you get bitching
Pro wrestling golden era was from 85-90 imo just like mma's golden era was from 2003-2012