why does everyone always assume im white? TAKE 2


calf cruncher fan
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
hey mr. why does everyone always assume im white (Take 1) where did you go?

i noticed that there are an overabundance of people assuming i am a little white man...that is angry at the world...

the fact is that the only time i referred to race, i said:

"i am angry due to my oppression as a white man in america"

and not EVERYONE saw it, so why does EVERYONE assume i am white?

that was a joke, not utter truth...it was directed at conservatives who believe that oppression is dead in america, and that the white man is the most oppressed person in this country...valid opinion, valid joke about it...

the fact is, nobody here knows me or anything about me...you have no idea what i look like as im sitting here making fun of softball...

so why am i always viewed as a white person?
i dont assume anything about you....

and youre not there yet... but if you get too whiney, ill go ahead and post this just in case: cry me a fuckin river
So, I'll ask here like in the other thread. Are ya white?
He's from Seattle. Of course he's white.

- The Jake
"so why am i always viewed as a white person?"

must be the avatar. sometimes I see Jake as Raistlin Majere because of his.

but you sound liek a pissed off angry suburban white kid. what can I say that is how you come off.
Originally posted by Bloodlust
but you sound liek a pissed off angry suburban white kid. what can I say that is how you come off.

But in actuality, he's half Mexican, half Australian, and just angry that his croc nachos have been stolen.
But in actuality, he's half Mexican, half Australian, and just angry that his croc nachos have been stolen.

Crikey Hombre! that is some shit right there.
maybe because of your post about african americans recieving money because of their history
Originally posted by Tiki

But in actuality, he's half Mexican, half Australian, and just angry that his croc nachos have been stolen.

I picture you as a cartoon. Now quit typing about predetermined race, or I'll erase you. ^_^
I didn't know you had feelings punkmother. I guess I asumed you were white from the, hell I don't even know. Maybe you do come off as a pissed offrich kid from suburbia who didn't get to borrow his dad's Jag for the weekend. j/k hey if it makes you feel any better, i now assume you come from the baddest of the badlands, Compton, CA. LOL Anyways, race is not an issue, w agrgee right? Si no, vallan a la chingada, putos. That's Spanish for "if not, then fuck you." That's aimed at eth racist people out there in the world, not you guys here
One of the best parts of this whole net community thing is that we are all basically faceless, race, colour don't really matter a great deal cause all we are a words on a screen.

Punk, to be honest, I hadn't given it much thought as to what race, colour, religion or sex you are if that is any comfort...

Whatever you are, good for you and your people, all the best
Quit being so politically correct, you romos.

Yo, Scarface!!!!! My roommate said you are a Texican.
LOL. Tell him that he is a.........uhmmm wait a minute, shit I can't find anythign that rhymes with Kentucky. Where is you roomate from?
ask you roomate if he knows what mollejas and tripas are. THey are some good food to eat once in a while. Way too much cholesterol, bro. but vey tasty. You guys ain't training today or are you AWOL just so you can add more posts :D
Yes punkmother, no one gives a fuck what colour u are....
Punkmother, I dont really have an answer, I think most people are assumed white for some strange reason.
I just assumed you were Calvin,

Mahatma Petey will be in trouble when people start making assumptions about his avatar...
Oh really are you white punkmother I always taught you were from cuba fidel castro alike.