Why do women make such a big deal about the toilet seat?


Jul 19, 2014
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I've yet to meet a woman who doesn't complain about the toilet seat being up. This seems to be such a huge deal for them. Personally when I walk into a bathroom I have my eyes open and can see the toilet, even when I take a dump and need the seat down. It then takes a flick of the finger to push the seat down. I don't think I've ever fallen in. This seems to be an insurmountable obstacle for women and I really don't understand why. It's like being mad you have to open your fridge to get food.
"Women are a bunch of cunts" - Jim Jefferies
because all women are bitches.
I remember my son when he was about 6 asked my wife "why can't you leave the seat up"?
If you care about your girl, youd have the decency to put the seat down for her.
I do, but as humans we sometimes forget, and they do tend to let us know.
If I expect her to keep my belly full, my clothes folded and *other duties as assigned* I can handle a little abuse if I forget
Yeah i dont get it. Have they ever considered it is equally an inconvenience when the seat is down and we gotta take a piss? Works both ways but yet again, us gentlemen are oppressed in silence.
Yeah i dont get it. Have they ever considered it is equally an inconvenience when the seat is down and we gotta take a piss? Works both ways but yet again us gentlemen are oppressed in silence.

technically it's actually more work to put a seat up.
Know something you might be able to use, OP

If a woman is coming over, clean the toilet too.

And don't forget the clitoris this time
If you're used to having a toilet seat under you, you're going to always assume one is there. Then when you sit down assuming the seat is down, it's that mini-heart attack feeling, like forgetting an extra step in a staircase.
The charitable answer, women can't hold there pee as well with a shorter urethra so more emergency visits to the bathroom.

The uncharitable answer, there too busy looking in the bathroom mirror to realise the seat is up.
Simple solution is to be a lazy fuck and leave the motherfucker the same way you left it.

Guys leave it up and women leave it down. That minimizes extra/unnecessary raising/lowering of said seat. Nuff said.
God damn victim mentality all in here

Not really. This thread is about how there is such a huge difference in inconvenience of putting down a seat and the grief women give men for it.
Lol, you guys sound poor. You have to share a bathroom with another person in your family?
You live in a hut as well?

Yeah i dont get it. Have they ever considered it is equally an inconvenience when the seat is down and we gotta take a piss? Works both ways but yet again, us gentlemen are oppressed in silence.
At that point just piss on the seat