Social Why do some people cry more than others


Intergender World Champion
Nov 28, 2013
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At first I thought it was a lifestyle thing where they have more trauma or something so they need to let it out. But then I thought of how some people have harder lives and they still don’t cry as much.

Despite what people say, crying is a good way to release emotions and stuff. I wonder what happens if you don’t cry, you probably use that emotional energy to be angry, irritable, and stressed instead.

I noticed the people who I can’t imagine crying over silly stuff are more angry and irritable instead of being sensitive.

I guess it’s all a balancing act. You don’t want to be a soyboy crybaby pussy, but you don’t wanna be a hard ass, stubborn, drunk asshole either. Know what I mean?
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At first I thought it was a lifestyle thing where they have more trauma or something so they need to let it out. But then I thought of how some people have harder lives and they still don’t cry as much.

Despite what people say crying is a good way to release emotions and stuff. I wonder what happens if you don’t cry, you probably use that emotional energy to be angry, irritable, and stressed instead.

I noticed the people who I can’t imagine crying over silly stuff are more angry and irritable instead of being sensitive.

I guess it’s all a balancing act. You don’t want to be a soyboy crybaby pussy, but you don’t wanna be a hard ass, stubborn, drunk asshole either. Know what I mean?
I think it comes more naturally to some than others. It is a good release of emotion but I think some don't need it.
I dated a girl in college who cried like 4-5 times a day. She said it was how she dealt with things that stressed her out. She was an engineering major and wanted to become a commercial airline pilot one day. I was like damn. Imagine her in-flight on the intercom bawling her eyes out and telling the passengers the flight was going to be delayed.
Crying irritates me. When I see people crying I avoid them unless I’m boxed in and have no choice but to deal with them. I don’t know what it is about crying that bothers me but it does. Crying doesn’t solve problems, so what’s the point?
Perceived powerlessness is one of the many factors in crying. So given an identical situation, let's say a breakup, the person that's angry and irritable may perceive they can fix the problem (e.g. find a new partner) and the person crying may feel the situation is doomed ("I'll never find one like this again" etc.)
How you were treated by parents as a child is probably a factor too. If you had a doting parent that rushed to your aid every time you cried your brain can get hard wired to connect crying with nurturing so as an adult your brain is still making that connection when something bad happens to you.
Like others mentioned, it just depends on your upbringing and personality. Many cry when nobody is around, but never in front of others. You just never truly know.

I don't cry in front of others, but sometimes get emotional when watching movies or listening to music by myself. Would not cry in front of others though, so been called heartless before. Some folks never do period. No right or wrong, just different personalities.
Like others mentioned, it just depends on your upbringing and personality. Many cry when nobody is around, but never in front of others. You just never truly know.

I don't cry in front of others, but sometimes get emotional when watching movies or listening to music by myself. Would not cry in front of others though, so been called heartless before. Some folks never do period. No right or wrong, just different personalities.
Pretty much this. Some people are prone to do it less or more than others.
I knew a guy who would cry all the time. His wife used to joke about it, her husband cried much more than she did. I don't know why he was that way. He wasn't that emotional of a person.