A lot of guys take or have taken steroids and how many MMA fighters are as big as he is? He may have been the biggest ever to fight all cut up with a low body fat percentage at a high level in modern MMA. As far as "he's naturally a scrawny guy," you're going to have to back that up with more than pictures of him as a skinny kid. When you grow quickly, you tend to be a bit of a beanpole before you fill out, anyway. Yeah, I'm sure that his steroid usage taints perception of him, and rightly so, but it doesn't just magically erase it.
He is naturally a scrawny guy, hardly a freak of nature. Literally everyone with his height could become that massive with the right amount of drugs, while true genetic freaks like Sage Northcutt could get even bigger. Studies show that the more you take the more you grow, the only difference between guys like Brock Lesnar and other steroid users is the dosage.
Steroids are magic
do you see this graph ? the greater the dosage the greater the gains
"Hence, the anabolic response of healthy, young men to exogenous testosterone administration can largely be predicted by the testosterone dose."
what Brock did differently was take more steroids for a longer period of time, because thats what his job demanded
Therefore it is safe to conclude that not only Brock isn't impressive at all, but he is the biggest fraud in MMA along with Cyborg
Roids didn't give him his athletic ability.
yeah i mean does Pudz move like Brock? Um nope.
Alabama's running back Bo Scarbrough as a Junior in high school for comparison to Brock's high school pics.
Real A-level athleticism.
because yo mama
He is naturally a scrawny guy, hardly a freak of nature. Literally everyone with his height could become that massive with the right amount of drugs, while true genetic freaks like Sage Northcutt could get even bigger. Studies show that the more you take the more you grow, the only difference between guys like Brock Lesnar and other steroid users is the dosage.
Steroids are magic
do you see this graph ? the greater the dosage the greater the gains
"Hence, the anabolic response of healthy, young men to exogenous testosterone administration can largely be predicted by the testosterone dose."
what Brock did differently was take more steroids for a longer period of time, because thats what his job demanded
Therefore it is safe to conclude that not only Brock isn't impressive at all, but he is the biggest fraud in MMA along with Cyborg
Hey, you never know. A guy with his physical tools, and dedicating his life to mma, he very well could been the GOAT, who knows?
First, take your own advice on staying on topic. I didn't flame anyone, and neither of your responses specifically addressed anything that I said. Quote me and respond with something that holds water if you're serious.
Second, learn to present a logical argument. This means that you make a statement, then back it up with some further information. I have no idea what you're trying to say with the above jibberish.
You're reaching, and you ignored my initial reply to you, which explained that I've learned to recognize heavy steroid users from years of seeing them at the gym."If you think that Brock is a freak of nature, you haven't spent enough time at the gym."
Let me speak to you like a demented child. This quoted sentence you wrote implies that you yourself frequent a gym that has gargantuan human beings like Brock Lesnar. I asked which gym do you go to? Because unless there's a gym for only linebackers, or westside barbell, you won't see anyone remotely close to Brock's stature.
Again, learn to read, and take your own advice on staying on topic. You never said this to me, and I never mentioned any specifics of steroid use."I think you don't have the necessary attention span to read the whole OP, because I clearly said that the only difference between guys like Brock Lesnar and other steroid users is the dosage and time of use. You won't look like him by doing just one steroid cycle, but if you take as much steroids and as long as he did you'll probably end up in a similar place.
Again, show me where I said this. You act like you can talk down to me, while you repeatedly fail to present anything resembling a cohesive response. Post something to show that you're not a troll or a moron, or fuck off.And what do you mean by name one person that "looks like Brock", are you stupid ? There are plenty of 250lbs+ roid freaks out there, just google for some bodybuilders, NFL players and powerlifters, lol @ thinking Brock is the only big roided up human being"
Apparently according to you, steroids can also alter the bone anatomy enough to pronounce the traps, elongate the arms, and produce the biggest hands in MMA.
"If you think that Brock is a freak of nature, you haven't spent enough time at the gym."
Let me speak to you like a demented child. This quoted sentence you wrote implies that you yourself frequent a gym that has gargantuan human beings like Brock Lesnar. I asked which gym do you go to? Because unless there's a gym for only linebackers, or westside barbell, you won't see anyone remotely close to Brock's stature.
"I think you don't have the necessary attention span to read the whole OP, because I clearly said that the only difference between guys like Brock Lesnar and other steroid users is the dosage and time of use. You won't look like him by doing just one steroid cycle, but if you take as much steroids and as long as he did you'll probably end up in a similar place.
And what do you mean by name one person that "looks like Brock", are you stupid ? There are plenty of 250lbs+ roid freaks out there, just google for some bodybuilders, NFL players and powerlifters, lol @ thinking Brock is the only big roided up human being"
Apparently according to you, steroids can also alter the bone anatomy enough to pronounce the traps, elongate the arms, and produce the biggest hands in MMA.
So you often see NFL players at gyms huh? You know their cycle huh?
Sit down kid
The second one I said pretty sure, never said anything about documentes statistics... Reading comprehension is your friend.30 reps wasn't even the closet to the highest number that year. Check your "documented statistics" again, homie.
Shirlley my darling
Bob fucking Sapp actually PLAYED in the NFL
Bork got offered a chance at a minor team just for shits and giggles .
You're reaching, and you ignored my initial reply to you, which explained that I've learned to recognize heavy steroid users from years of seeing them at the gym.
Again, learn to read, and take your own advice on staying on topic. You never said this to me, and I never mentioned any specifics of steroid use.
Again, show me where I said this. You act like you can talk down to me, while you repeatedly fail to present anything resembling a cohesive response. Post something to show that you're not a troll or a moron, or fuck off.
Are you aware that traps are the muscle group MOST affected by steroids ? Why do you think all these steroid abusers have big traps ?
In fact Brock's body is not proportioned at all, his legs are not nearly as developed as his upper body, probably because he neglected them in training.
Also it seems that you are unaware that hGH makes your fingers/hands grow bigger, something Brock Lesnar was arrested for 15 years ago.
Anyway, having big hands/traps are hardly a measure of being a freak of nature, and the last time he fought someone as big as him he got destroyed
Wow, a double strawman! At least you're consistently evasive, so I know not to waste my time with you.You're angry because you feel stupid
And you're quoting yourself, then arguing with yourself lol
Still curious which gym has people like Brock everywhere?
steroids affect the traps the most
Overeem just had a title run in the USASA era, he is a very technical fighter, unlike Brock, who under USADA would have gotten deflated and beaten by journeymen