Economy Why do people want to live in America if they hate America?

Nancy P knew best.

October 3, 2002

"As the ranking Democrat on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I have seen no evidence or intelligence that suggests that Iraq indeed poses an imminent threat to our nation. If the Administration has that information, they have not shared it with the Congress. If we invade Iraq, we will show our military power. If we can eliminate the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction without invading, we will show our strength."

October 10, 2002

"In addition to the cost in human lives, the cost to our economy and the cost to the war on terrorism, an attack on Iraq has a cost to our budget. This cost can be unlimited. There is no political solution on the ground in Iraq, let us not be fooled by that. So when we go in, the occupation - which is now being called "liberation" - could be interminable.

We respect the judgment of our military leaders. It is a civilian decision to go to war, but our military leaders present us with options on the use of force. These options are supposed to be a last resort. These costs to the war on terrorism, the cost of life, the cost to our economy, the cost in dollars to our budget, these costs must be answered for.

If we go in, we can certainly show our power to Saddam Hussein. If we resolve this issue diplomatically, we can show our strength as a great country. Let us show our greatness. Vote NO on this resolution."

@essie @Rebelfett

Not a big fan of Pelosi, but I can confirm that at the time, almost 90% of this country wanted to carpet bomb the entire Middle East.

Good for her for speaking out, because she would've been in the minority, that's for sure.
Because the entirety of left wing ideology is what you want to tear down and what you want imposed on other people because misery loves company. There are plenty of places they could go that already have their preferred economic systems, their preferred demographics, preferred ideologies, but they don't want to because then they couldn't force it on people who don't want it.

Here's a perfect example. He doesn't hate it, he just wants to fundamentally change it lol, and admits that he doesn't want to leave for someplace he likes better because that wouldn't trash it for the people who liked it already.

It's a parasite/host relationship.

People hate aspects of America, not the country as a whole. And if you hate aspects of it, you try and change it, you don't leave because leaving only hands a win on a silver platter to the other side.
Because the entirety of left wing ideology is what you want to tear down and what you want imposed on other people because misery loves company. There are plenty of places they could go that already have their preferred economic systems, their preferred demographics, preferred ideologies, but they don't want to because then they couldn't force it on people who don't want it.

Here's a perfect example. He doesn't hate it, he just wants to fundamentally change it lol, and admits that he doesn't want to leave for someplace he likes better because that wouldn't trash it for the people who liked it already.

It's a parasite/host relationship.

What is this preferred demographics you speak of? Non Whites? Non progressives? Whites are not native to the Americas, so why should non Whites and leftwingers who sympathize with non Whites need to move elsewhere. Why don't you move to a country that looks more like you and agrees with your rightwing ethnonationalist sympathies, like Hungary or Russia or Israel.

Natives had a foreign culture forced upon them and so did African slaves, but you will conveniently ignore that. The only thing the left wants to get rid of is racial nationalist supremacist thinking / patriarchy , and this pisses of righties like you.
Wanting something to improve or criticizing leadership doesn't equal "hating" something. I count myself blessed to be born and live in the USA, but there are a variety of areas that I think we could improve upon (ie. education and health care). I also am not so self-centered as to believe that if something is not a pressing issue for me, that it must not be a pressing issue for anyone else (ie. racial discrimination, unemployment, etc.).
Too many Americans of all political persuasions disregard the gripes of others because they don't share the same experiences, but then when they themselves find themselves in need or having a gripe with some kind of public policy, refuse to see the irony when they are the ones complaining or asking for change when they took a "love it or leave it" stance prior to their own bad luck.
What is this preferred demographics you speak of? Non Whites? Non progressives? Whites are not native to the Americas, so why should non Whites and leftwingers who sympathize with non Whites need to move elsewhere. Why don't you move to a country that looks more like you and agrees with your rightwing ethnonationalist sympathies, like Hungary or Russia or Israel.

Natives had a foreign culture forced upon them and so did African slaves, but you will conveniently ignore that. The only think the left wants to get rid of is racial nationalist supremacist thinking, and this pisses of righties like you.

I think a lot of ppl on the right tend to think of civil rights and equity, and equality as some sort of zero sum game where if another group experiences success or gains access to opportunities, their own rights and opportunities are diminished in an inversely proportionate way.
I think a lot of ppl on the right tend to think of civil rights and equity, and equality as some sort of zero sum game where if another group experiences success or gains access to opportunities, their own rights and opportunities are diminished in an inversely proportionate way.
Absolutely. Which one of the reason why Trump usurped leadership of the GOP.
i would bet there are more people hating america among american born than there are among people that actively try to get there and make it.
I imagine the British were saying the same thing many many years ago.
Its all malcontents and losers. If u can't make something of yourself in the US than you're a POS and you wouldn't make it anywhere.

Unfortunately a major political party has gained power by pandering to losers of all varieties. Ambitious politicians convinced those losers that its not their fault. Said losers want to destroy capitalism....Destroy the meritocracy...because they are talentless, lazy sacks of shit.
For natives:
  1. The US is home, whether they like it or not.
  2. English is the only language they speak and they're unable to immigrate to other English-speaking countries because they don't have the right qualifications.
  3. They're staying in order to fight the good fight and hold those responsible to account.
  4. The US isn't a utopia and criticism is the first step to improvement.

For immigrants:
  1. Their own country is even worse.
  2. They plan on making their money, then leaving.
  3. English is their second language and they couldn't get into other English-speaking countries.
  4. If they could get into other English-speaking countries: UK, Canada and Ireland are too cold. They hate spiders/snakes, so Australia is out of the picture. New Zealand is too isolated and irrelevant. Hong Kong and Singapore are too overcrowded. Caribbean/Persian Gulf are too hot. Africa is too unstable.
What is this preferred demographics you speak of? Non Whites? Non progressives? Whites are not native to the Americas, so why should non Whites and leftwingers who sympathize with non Whites need to move elsewhere. Why don't you move to a country that looks more like you and agrees with your rightwing ethnonationalist sympathies, like Hungary or Russia or Israel.

Natives had a foreign culture forced upon them and so did African slaves, but you will conveniently ignore that. The only thing the left wants to get rid of is racial nationalist supremacist thinking / patriarchy , and this pisses of righties like you.
There is no other country with the economic freedom and individualism that the US had, least of all the places you mentioned that were already decimated by your failed ideology.

YOU said ethnonationalsm, I didn't, and you are the one with passionate racial preferences. I haven't seen any conservative talk or crowd that explodes with cheers when someone says ___ racial group is finally shrinking. I'm the one against aborting millions of black babies, you think it's just swell.

I'm not the one demanding the country be fundamentally changed, you are.

It's pure mental illness to piss and moan with your racial hatred, then when I suggest treating people as individuals instead of members of an arbitrary racial or sexual grievance group, you somehow declare that white supremacy and ethnonationalsm. I'm sure you think your "when did you stop beating your wife" rhetoric is clever, but it's pretty damn transparent.
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Well Republicans are turning against Representative Democracy in general so of course they are stating to hate America

Also most voters, people who live in cities, people with the wrong ethnicity, wrong religion, are attracted to the wrong people, young people, our entertainment industry (movies, music, TV, internet), our media, and our university. Other than that, Republicans love America.