Why can't I get in to see my own comments?

If it's due to a setting, please share. I'd love to be able to prevent myself from seeing posts by quite a few tools on sherdog.
Noticed it too the other day when trying to look for a thread I had posted in. I can still post and edit old posts so just went on business as usual.
Technical difficulties, repair will happen soon
TS put himself on ignore lol
I'd tell you, but, you know, there's a whole forum exactly for those sort of things.
I am having some troubles, too.
I can see yours. Trust me, you're not missing much.
Pick up your monitor or laptop and hold it gently above a candle light.
Wait about 5 minutes, and then you'll get to see your own comments illuminate.
Sherlock Holmes taught me this trick a few centuries ago.
I can see yours. Trust me, you're not missing much.
