Why can't BJ return to LW for non-title fights like Diego does?


Purple Belt
Nov 25, 2010
Reaction score
I'm a huge BJ fan and it makes me sad that he will go out on a loss like that. BJ can still DEFINITELY main or co-main event some cards.

Is he 100% retired? if not then do you guys want to see BJ fight some top 6 to top 10 LWs? BJ vs Dan Miller as co-main event for a Fox card sounds awesome to me :D

We see guys like Diego NEVER giving up and still trying to fight at LW. Why can't BJ do the same? He doesn't have to be champion to be a fighter. Look at kenflo all his career a coentender but never champ yet he was still a draw on ppv cards

So imagine BJ vs Jim Miller or Donald Cerrone :D

Those guys would make for an exciting fight that BJ has at least a 50% chance of winning, why wouldn't dana support this idea especially when hes working hard to stack an increasing number of cards
He probably hates to diet and doesn't need the money
I honestly think that BJ just doesn't have that fire anymore. I'm sure down the road a fight that interests him at LW will pop up and he'll be back inside the cage, but he may just hang them up for good. Who knows
Because he doesn't enjoy cutting so instead would rather get beat up against bigger guys at WW
He should, but he won't. Let him retire since that's what he wants.
BJ and Diego are almost polar opposites. Ones perhaps the most gifted fighter ever who refuses to work hard. The other is a relentless, mental tank who is where he is because of his work ethic and desire.

I'd love to see BJ at LW but he doesn't work hard enough so he won't want to work even harder for LW and also he's a former champion unlike Diego so taking easy fights at LW isn't as appealing.
Even though he wont. I'd love to see him move to lightweight again and scrap with KJ Noons
Really, I'm not sure BJ would have any better luck against top competition at 155. He's obviously a great fighter(GOAT lw IMO), but unless he brings something new to table, the gameplan to beat is just so well-known, and theres plenty of lw's in the UFC who are capable of employing it. Lots of lateral movement, stick-and-move, set a very fast pace and turn it into a cardio battle, dont hang out in the pocket long enough for him to land anything significant, wait for him to gas/get frustrated from you not engaging, etc, etc.
bj is the man

imo though, hes in it for a paycheck now. hes not interested in cutting weight and doing all that bs. he can make money without cutting weight.
BJ can be a real threat in the competitive eating circuit. Him and Serra will rule!
ego. that or the UFC told him after his loss to edgar that they didnt have any fights for him at LW anymore. he shoulda taken that draw with fitch as a good sign, and a win, and go back to LW to beat up some guys his own size in dominant & exciting fashion. but, unlike most sherdoggers or youth these days (which is why he has a ton of haters here), he'd rather take on the bigger challenge than the easy road full of highlights. not only is it under-respected, its downright frowned upon. tells you a lot about the people we post alongside.
Because it is easier for him to accept getting beaten by a bigger guy compared to getting beaten by a guy his size. Lazy people are satisfied with the idea of what they could accomplish if they did this or that over actually trying and potentially failing.
Because it is easier for him to accept getting beaten by a bigger guy compared to getting beaten by a guy his size. Lazy people are satisfied with the idea of what they could accomplish if they did this or that over actually trying and potentially failing.

Great insight confucius. Taking on Fitch, Diaz and Macdonald sounds really lazy to me. What would I know? I'm not a prophet, poet warrior like you.
It would be great, but it's all up to BJ and I dont think he has that push anymore to do what he would need to do to be healthy at 155.