Who's the smartest person you know (that isn't yourself)?

My baby brother. His doctorate at Carolina was Political Logic or something or other. Beyond booksense he's also so mature, practical and pragmatic many of my friends dint realize we were related despite our unique last name.

Imagine, if you can, a hybrd saint/boy scout without the hangups.
Why did he use two hounds to renovate a house? Were they hammer hounds?

I mentioned he's superhuman, right?

He has control over animals.

All kidding aside, when I'm super tired, I type more quickly than I think and use some incredibly bizarre word substitutions.
Probably either my ex gf or the VP I report to.

The ex just saw the world in a different way, like she existed on a different plane. Not in an ethereal bullshit way, like no matter where she was she could effortlessly peel apart the forces acting on people in the room and figure out how to respond. I'm pretty good at that too, but she could scale it up and pinpoint where societies had gone wrong and why some political venture would never work. It was very captivating.

My VP is like the inflated promise of an MBA realized. She's a top-tier intelligence who has worked her ass off for 30+ years, and I don't often meet people with both of those attributes. Perfectly capable with numbers or words, always open to becoming deeply familiar with new tech solutions, and hyper-cognizant of positioning and politics too. Never met anyone like her in my industry, and I believe the overwhelming consensus is that no one else like her exists.
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Yea, that's what a Mod told me... That they were getting too many complaints and had to do something. Snowflakes.

What kind of things did you say that people saw as homophobic?
My father's a doctor and he renovated his house with his own two hands, foundation to roof, but he's a superhuman freak that can do anything. He's probably the smartest person I know.

As for the general population of doctors, the work and study required to excel as one doesn't really leave much time to learn much else to excellence.

Would you want the best doctor possible, or would you want a mediocre doctor who can field strip a deer?

Actually you know what, it would probably take a doctor three minutes to learn how to do that. Bad example.
im married to a doctor, she cant wash whites without turning them grey, and cant find her way to work without a sat nav.
? There are different kinds of smarts. I know a professor at Brown that's damn near retarded outside of that classroom environment. My dad was taking high level college mathematics courses while in high school, but that ability didn't translate into all facets of life. I cannot say I know someone who's intellect translates/translated to at least the a good majority of the facets of their lives. The most well rounded person I knew of I lost contact with some time ago.
My mate from school. 9 a’s At gcse, 3 a’s At A-level, taught himself to play guitar to get a scholarship at the Musician’s Institute in California. Got a PHD in Avionic engineering from UCLA, then joined the Army and got a Green Beret. Trained Navy SEALs to pass their fitness tests, then got into 3D animation and worked on Pixar movies. Now works for Rockstar Games. Did it all off his own back, and did all that before he turned 40. He’s not the pure cleverest person I know, but he’s the most capable human I’ve encountered.
What kind of things did you say that people saw as homophobic?

Called a group of people the F word for making a big deal out of nothing, though I obviously meant it figuratively (I even spelled it differently to signify that.)