Whom did you support in Primaries '12, '08?


Lawn and Order!
Nov 28, 2010
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And earlier? Just wondering how War Roomers evolved / changed / stayed the same.

Cannot really speak for myself as I did not follow primaries as closely back then, but I know that McCain and Romney were the candidates I found less crazy on GOP side and I would not have picked Kerry in '04.
Voted Kerry in '04.

Voted Obama in '08.

Didn't bother voting in 2012.

Voting Trump in 2016.
Was just starting to pay attention to politics in '08, but of the top 3 Republican candidates, Romney was obviously the most strong.

I paid close attention to the primaries in '11/'12, and I really dug Herman Cain's appeal and the attractiveness of a simplified tax system (9/9/9, which would be eventually switched over to the Fair Tax, which I read two books about). But, after constant media coverage of sexual harassment accusations made by mysterious accusers from 20-30 years prior, he called it quits.

Didn't really give a shit about the other candidates, especially Romney. It was especially suspicious that the MSM was pushing Romney in the primaries with positive coverage, saying "he's the only one that can win" just like McCain four years before. And just like McCain, they set their sights on him after he won the nomination.

Just like they're doing with Trump. The media has been hitting Trump pretty hard, unlike McCain and Romney before they won their nominations, but I suspect those are mere jabs, they know they can't take him out with jabs. I bet in their opposition research, they've uncovered some big haymakers they're going to throw in the months before the general election.

Call it a gut feeling.
Ron Paul in 2008 primary. Bob Barr in general (that was a tough pill to swallow).
Ron Paul in 2012 primary. Gary Johnson in general (MUCH more appropriate libertarian).
Before 2000 I didn't care a lot about politics. I was okay with both Bush and Gore though.
In '04 I was okay with any of the Democrats.
Paul in '08. I was interested in two issues at the time- getting out of the middle east and stopping the advancement of a national security state.
In '12 I didn't worry about the primaries. I favored Romney as an opponent because he seemed the least crazy and had experience in a liberal state.
Obviously I don't vote in American elections, but in 2004 I was relieved at the idea of either a Dean or Kerry American presidency. I wasn't entirely surprised at the result though, because the 2000 election had already educated me on the foibles of American voters (Bush winning was a shock to me in 2000).
In 2008 at first I didn't care too much. Figured things could really only improve, and that Romney, Giuliniani and Huckabee had little chance. My opinion on McCain devolved a lot over the course of his campaign though. Paulites drove me crazy.
I can't remember if it was then or later that Edwards was revealed to be a scumbag on a personal level, but as soon as Obama started getting international media attention he was my pick of the candidates. Essentially as a simple matter of contrast with GW. His platform and positions actually seemed sane and reasonable, even if there were doubts about his effectiveness in office.
2008- Ron Paul

2012- Obama

I support any candidate that advocates for reducing the size of the military and withdrawing bases from other countries.

Unfortunately Obama only gave us false promises before expanding America's role in the world.
Just starting paying close attention about 4 years ago but I voted for

Obama 08
Obama 12
Hillary 16
I liked Romney in both 2008 and 2012 but I voted Obama in 2008. I never liked McCain and voted Obama because I thought it was better for the country even though I didn't and still don't like his policies.

2012 was more complicated. I voted Romney but felt Obama was the better choice for the nation. I don't know how honest my ultimate decision was because I really didn't think Romney could win. So I could vote my party without thinking about the bigger, long term picture (I was still an elected Republican at the time).
I liked Romney in both 2008 and 2012 but I voted Obama in 2008. I never liked McCain and voted Obama because I thought it was better for the country even though I didn't and still don't like his policies.

I think this is a big issue with voting in general: What is good for the country may not always be good for yourself. So how does one vote? Just one example: Higher taxes for people with higher incomes. That's something I think is good for social cohesion in any country, but as someone with a (relatively speaking) high income, I suffer from it.
08 Obama
12 I didn't vote, but would have voted Obama probably. Romney was shitty.
2012 - Obama

2008 - Obama

2000 - Bradley

It was funner before 2012 when I lived in Iowa. This year, if he is still competitive, I will vote for Bernie, but have no major issues with Hillary.
I am older than most of you. For President starting in 92
Bush the Elder
Bush the Junior (NOt much of a choice between shit sandwich Kerry and shit popsicle Bush)
The Florida primary is coming up(registered Republican), so Kasich or Rubio. Anyone other than Trump or Cruz.
The GOP was about as terrible in 2012 as they are this time except for Romney, who was a really good candidate. I even thought that maybe a sensible dude with an R next to his name would be better than Obama because it would mean that Congress would stop deliberately trying to hurt the economy. Romney's incredibly dishonest general election campaign and platform (with logically contradictory promises) lost me.

In 2008, I initially liked Edwards (though I had a bad impression of him at first because of his debate performance against Cheney), but he obviously lost me as it went on. After that, it was kind of like this Democratic primary--I liked Obama personally a bit more, but I had some concerns about his readiness. I was pretty much OK with either one winning and not really invested. By the end, Clinton's dirty campaigning kind of lost me, but it was still not a huge deal. In retrospect, I don't think Clinton would have been nearly as good in office as Obama has been. On the Republican side, Romney and McCain were my two favorites, with McCain being the clear No. 1.

In 2004, I was on the Dean train. Didn't hate Kerry, but wasn't enthusiastic about him.

In 2000, my recollection today is that it was a foregone conclusion in both primaries, and I didn't think too much about it, but I might be remembering that wrong.
What is good for the country may not always be good for yourself. So how does one vote?
This is a good tension for democracy. I wouldn't want that question resolved, because of the balancing effect it has on the struggle between selfishness and community.
2000- Gore
2004- Howard Dean, but reluctantly went with John Kerry
2008- Obama
2012- Ron Paul

2016 - Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump
08: Hill-Dawg (Obama in the GE)

12: Obama

16: Bern (Hill-Dawg in the GE if Bern loses)
This is a good tension for democracy. I wouldn't want that question resolved, because of the balancing effect it has on the struggle between selfishness and community.

I agree as long as we are honest with ourselves. A coworker said to me yesterday, "I would never vote for Sanders. What if I'm part of the 1% one day, and he takes away everything I've worked for?" Dude literally said "1%". He's obviously thinking of himself, but with a vision of the future that is almost certainly delusional.

As far as the primaries, I don't invest much as I can't vote in them.
I agree as long as we are honest with ourselves. A coworker said to me yesterday, "I would never vote for Sanders. What if I'm part of the 1% one day, and he takes away everything I've worked for?" Dude literally said "1%". He's obviously thinking of himself, but with a vision of the future that is almost certainly delusional.

As far as the primaries, I don't invest much as I can't vote in them.
Ha, that guy sounds a little out there. On average, we'll be honest with ourselves about where we value self interest vs common good I think.