terrified of his power maybe , his striking sucks maybe he will become one fc champ this yearYou mean the next exciting action fighter who only loses to guys who are terrified of his striking?
There will always be fighters who because of their fighting styles and personalities will be liked by a lot of people, but don't turn out to be as good as people thought and hoped.A fighter who will be hyped as fuck only to get exposed by a fighter who can stick and move and a model ?
We need that 30% Usman war wagon ! all aboard my hype trainI predict 30% Usman lasts 2 months.
That's a very specific set of criteria to be met.
terrified of his power maybe , his striking sucks maybe he will become one fc champ this year
There can be only one platinum.
He will never be replicated.
You mean the next exciting action fighter who only loses to guys who are terrified of his striking?