Who is the greatest NHL fighter?

Who is the greatest NHL fighter?

  • Donald Brashear

  • Dave Brown

  • Clark Gillies

  • Joey Kocur

  • George Laraque

  • Sandy McCarthy

  • Bob Probert

  • Tony Twist

  • Behn Wilson

  • Other

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Domi does get points for being responsible for the best moment in Leafs hockey for the last 40-some years.

Also this poll is a joke without Schultz, Ray, Domi and Grimson. Could probably add Nilan as well.

Do some research TS

Props for all those guys especially nilan
Sandy, George, Donald and Clark would not be on it.

Every guy I put on the poll were considered HW champs at one point. Go to hockeyfights.com and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Dave Schultz - Was a pure goon, but was not even close to being one the best fighters.

Rob Ray - A very entertaining fighter, but was never considered a HW champ. Brashear, Laraque and definitely Tony Twist destroyed him.

Tie Domi - I have already explained above. Great fighter for his size and heart of a lion. However never considered a champ when he played.

Stu Grimson - Is probably the only one I'd consider putting on the poll. I believe he was a HW champ at at one time. But a very short stint as a champ. Until he met Tony Twist and George Laraque. And Laraque actually put Grimson to retirement.

Also go to dropyourgloves and research it for yourself. And see the winning percentages of the fighters on the poll and the fighters you mentioned. Also see the fights I'm talking about.
Knock him out but don't let him hit the ground, then punch some more.


Link Gaetz is one of the greatest what if's? He had that one legendary fight with Probert, which I believe he won if Probert didn't get his jersey off.

Gaetz probably has the toughest chin of all time. Too bad he got into an accident that ended his career in the NHL. I honestly believe he would of been a champ and have long career in the NHL, if he didn't unfortunately got in that car accident.
Every guy I put on the poll were considered HW champs at one point. Go to hockeyfights.com and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Dave Schultz - Was a pure goon, but was not even close to being one the best fighters.

Rob Ray - A very entertaining fighter, but was never considered a HW champ. Brashear, Laraque and definitely Tony Twist destroyed him.

Tie Domi - I have already explained above. Great fighter for his size and heart of a lion. However never considered a champ when he played.

Stu Grimson - Is probably the only one I'd consider putting on the poll. I believe he was a HW champ at at one time. But a very short stint as a champ. Until he met Tony Twist and George Laraque. And Laraque actually put Grimson to retirement.

Also go to dropyourgloves and research it for yourself. And see the winning percentages of the fighters on the poll and the fighters you mentioned. Also see the fights I'm talking about.

I'm very familiar with all these guys and saw the majority of them fight in their prime.

Ray may not have been a HW champ but he was tough as nails, shit the league brought in the Ray rule because of him.

Not having Domi on this list is a crime. I despise the Leafs but Domi was tough as they come.

Lol This isn't mama bro, winning percentage means fuck all.
The missing link - yikes.

Probert was a drunk crackhead. He didn't lose it --- he was never all there.

Marty McSorley doesn't get enough credit. Plus he could play. Anyone remember this?

I'm very familiar with all these guys and saw the majority of them fight in their prime.

Ray may not have been a HW champ but he was tough as nails, shit the league brought in the Ray rule because of him.

Not having Domi on this list is a crime. I despise the Leafs but Domi was tough as they come.

Lol This isn't mama bro, winning percentage means fuck all.

How does winning percentage nothing? Whatever floats your boat. That's all good.
The missing link - yikes.

Probert was a drunk crackhead. He didn't lose it --- he was never all there.

Marty McSorley doesn't get enough credit. Plus he could play. Anyone remember this?


Hell yeah I remember watching that, epic fight. I was gonna mention Marty but the Donald incident made me Lise respect for him.
How does winning percentage nothing? Whatever floats your boat. That's all good.

Because some of the fights this guys get in are not even close. Sometimes a MW steps in to stand up for his team a gets his ass whooped by the HW.

You think Donald beating old man McSorelys ass over and proves anything? Donald in his prime and Marty well on his way out.
Honorable mention to Tiger Williams and Terry O'Reilly

It's too bad Chris Simon didn't apply himself, he had some great fights over a couple year time span.
Best fighter, tough to call..

Best enforcer was Bob Probert without doubt to me.

He is the scariest fucker on the ice, powerful, tall, and no shits. He knew he his job.

In this video he stands up for his goalie and Steve Yzerman. It's one of my favs.

A goalie steps in to hold or stop Bob, and he blasts the goalie in the mask. It flies off the goalie says "Fuck this" and skates away. People were scared of him.

Maguire, who fought Yzerman knows he has hell to pay and hides under the ref, clinging on for saftey. Bob shakes in anger before getting down on his knees and uppercutting him on the ground, putting him limp.

Bob Probert was the man.
When Larry Playfair played even goons avoided fighting him.

Just sayin'.

I just watched some Larry Playfair fights and I can't believe I overlooked him as a fighter. He was ragdolling some damn tough players like Terry O'Reilly and Chris Nilan. I notice that a lot of his fights feature opponents hugging Playfair pretty hard because they didn't want to see him getting that right hand loose.

I just watched some Larry Playfair fights and I can't believe I overlooked him as a fighter. He was ragdolling some damn tough players like Terry O'Reilly and Chris Nilan. I notice that a lot of his fights feature opponents hugging Playfair pretty hard because they didn't want to see him getting that right hand loose.

Big boy from BC who caused damage to the other guy. Players were warned to stay away because he could really rag doll the other guy.