Bet your house. If you win, you have two houses, if you lose you're still a sherdogger. Win-win.
I only bet if I'm more than 50% sure the underdog is going to win. I believe Conor will be 3 or 4:1 underdog in this fight, so no thanks. Not enough payout for a Diaz win.
But if for some reason Vegas has Diaz as the Underdog.....then take out a loan and place the bet.
That's insanity. I bet it changes a night or 2 before. That's more than likely to get in the early bet and to build up some hype.Actually the odds are the same for both. They changed it.
I would love to, but if I lose I will be street beggar
But if I win I will have red panty nights for the next couple years...I dont know man...
advise, advise me elders...
I'll bet someone $500us Conor wins.
You're father should be ashamed for raising you as a man with no honor or respect.
Nate is better. Way better. But I would bet on Conor.
I think they are making a trilogy.
public library broLOOOOOOOOOOOL, sherdogger without internet
Of salt?I'm betting a couple grand