Social Who have you spent the most time with in your life?

Definitely my wife, we’ve been pretty inseparable for the past 14 years or so.

A close second would have been my dog I had when I was younger.
First would be God because he's always with me.


Third would be the Super Mario Bros.

I'm 47. I spent the first 16 or so probably with my Mother the most. Between 17-28 hard to tell, I wasn't married or in any relationships for more than a year or two. Probably would be friends at that point. But got married at 28, so for the last 19 years it's definitely my wife so I would say at this point I have spent most of my life being with my wife.
Same. I moved out when I was 14. Got together with my wife when I was in college. Now our kids are in college.
My oldest dog knuckles. Other than that probably childhood friend .