Who has had a hernia repaired - Updated


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Jul 26, 2012
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Going in next week to have one taken care of, never caused me an issue but employer is requiring it be fixed.

Anyone had one done before? Curious how recoveries were in terms of getting back into weights.

Sports hernia, not a disc.
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Sports hernia or herniated disc and what location? Are they doing surgery?
Sports hernia or herniated disc and what location? Are they doing surgery?
Good call should have mentioned that.

Sports hernia, "inguinal" location. Ya, mesh being put in to close it up.
It has recently come to my attention that I have an umbilical hernia, went to the doctor but at this stage they said not worth doing anything about it.

I realise this post doesn't help you in the slightest, sorry.
It has recently come to my attention that I have an umbilical hernia, went to the doctor but at this stage they said not worth doing anything about it.

I realise this post doesn't help you in the slightest, sorry.
Same response I got when I first noticed it and had it looked at about 10 years ago. Came up on a physical for work and theyre requiring it be fixed. Not pleased about it lol.
Expect crutches for 3-7 days.

I've never had one myself but know of a few people who have. Some tried prolotherapy, worked for a few but not others. Some tried the surgery route.

Weights .... when you can do body weight stuff pain free in full ROM, start very light. I still recommend seeing a good Physio who focuses on pelvic floor and or sports hernias.

Generally i find people to begin weights after about 2 months but don't take that as a gospel. Some may begin earlier but generally its lighter stuff like jogging, pool therapy mobility, then sports specific stuff around 4 weeks ish pending your ability.
I'd recommend looking on the starting strength forums I've read threads there from people who have had them. I'm pretty sure I remember rip reccomdening getting both sides done first shot to prevent having to go again if the other side blows. The old guy from work got the surgery and was back to work a couple days later and he's a mason so he was moving smaller stones and swinging a hammer.

Keep us posted with the progress, if you do not mind. Personally, I would love to hear more about case studies, especially in real time.
I'd recommend looking on the starting strength forums I've read threads there from people who have had them. I'm pretty sure I remember rip reccomdening getting both sides done first shot to prevent having to go again if the other side blows. The old guy from work got the surgery and was back to work a couple days later and he's a mason so he was moving smaller stones and swinging a hammer.

Thats encouraging. It seems like doctors are overly cautious with the return to acitivity times (I get theyre supposed to fix us not get us jacked in the gym but still).

Doc told me 4 weeks no lifting anything over 20 lbs. 6 weeks before vigorous activity. 8 weeks before really hitting lifting weights.
Keep us posted with the progress, if you do not mind. Personally, I would love to hear more about case studies, especially in real time.
Will do. I may toss a log back up.

The plan is to drop some pounds and really hammer the cardio while waiting to get back under the bar.
had one 16 years ago. had mesh implanted. 1 week hospital and 1 week at home. i was working heavy manual labour at that time and the docs said i can go full force after this 2 weeks. never had a problem again and i was working and lifting heavy immediately. so, easy-peasy.

but i have to add, i did no 500 lbs deadlifts or something. so maybe if you are a really strong dude, you should be a little careful with max effort lifts.
(I get they're supposed to fix us not get us jacked in the gym but still).

Hard to believe that in the 21st Century, this is still the case. I mean, is this an episode of The Nick, or what? Come on, medical profession.
had one 16 years ago. had mesh implanted. 1 week hospital and 1 week at home. i was working heavy manual labour at that time and the docs said i can go full force after this 2 weeks. never had a problem again and i was working and lifting heavy immediately. so, easy-peasy.

but i have to add, i did no 500 lbs deadlifts or something. so maybe if you are a really strong dude, you should be a little careful with max effort lifts.
Hospital stay huh? Did you have an emergency situation?

Your time frame of recovery seems to be pretty common of what Ive gathered from those who went through it.

No where near strong but I enjoy my gym time and weights so the thought of 6 weeks without it is pretty depressing.
Hard to believe that in the 21st Century, this is still the case. I mean, is this an episode of The Nick, or what? Come on, medical profession.
Squats are bad for them knees and deadlifts will snap your spine in half.
I had one. Took longer than I thought. Just follow Dr's orders. Probably a couple months before full speed. You do not want to mess up the healing. Good news is it will never bother you again. Whoever said two weeks is crazy.
belt up for all lifts [even curls] for the next month or two.
maybe if your hernia is big, you will need more recovery time. mine was about 8 cm on the left lower abs and i got it from lifting at work. i am 100% sure that this whole op/recovery thing didnt take longer than 14 days max. my boss at that time was not of the nice kind and i was pressed to get back to work as fast as possible. the doctors said with the mesh in there, i wil never ever have a hernia at this place again and i can go full force as soon as the wound is ok. but i also didn't wait 6 months/years to get this shit done. my neighbour walked around with a hernia for over 10 years and he wasn't allowed to lift heavy for 6 weeks after surgery.
I worked one summer in college at a national park. We tranquillized a aggressive nuisance black bear. We put it on a gurney and one of my coworkers and I carried it to a transport cage. Well he sprung a hernia, pushing into his sack. He was from Michigan and a long way from home so he had surgery at the local backwoods hospital and goddamn he ended up with this horrible jagged scar from the side of his scrotum up close to his belly button.
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Lord that doesnt sound pleasant.
i would take a hernia any day over the pinched nerve problem i keep getting in my neck and the lower side of my adonominal but best of luck to you
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i would take a hernia any day over the pinched nerve problem i keep getting in my neck and the lower side of my adonominal but best of luck to you
Operation done 8/3/16. What they said would be a 1-2" incision turned into a 4-5" incision in the low abdomen/high pelvic area. Not fun to say the least but it was worse a tear than they imagined. First 4 days were rough, 5th day turned a major corner and felt pretty good and started some activity. 6th day some light cardio on the elliptical. 7th day more cardio and a million reps of light weight (10lbs) arm work. Today did 30 min elliptical and a million reps of 10lbs back work.

Will continue cardio and staying at the 10lbs weight limit for another couple weeks. But it feels great to get some activity.

Cant wait to get back under the bar.