Who do you think would benefit most from kicks or knees to a grounded opponent?


Sep 25, 2010
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Jose Aldo is a nominee IMO.

Wrestlers would benefit from the knees and strikers fighting grapplers from the soccer kicks. Those are the biggest groups imo.
BJJ guys. It's much more unpleasant to lay in a guy's guard when he can upkick you.
unnecessary. i'd rather see guys on their back get the ability to head kick their opponents even if they're grounded.
Wandy almost kicked Bisping in the head on the ground, would have been perfect. IMO Wandy would have been much more successful if he could do soccer kicks and stomps, same with Shogun.
everyone. wrestlers used them in pride very effectively. people fighting wrestlers used them pretty effectively to counter too. a sprawl with a few knees for good measure could change the game drastically. no more stupid putting 3 fingers on the ground so u don't get kneed in the face
Wandy almost kicked Bisping in the head on the ground, would have been perfect. IMO Wandy would have been much more successful if he could do soccer kicks and stomps, same with Shogun.

I don't know why but that was such a sad moment when Wand instinctively was going to throw that soccer kick but stopped half way through when he realized that he was in the octagon.
Wandy almost kicked Bisping in the head on the ground, would have been perfect. IMO Wandy would have been much more successful if he could do soccer kicks and stomps, same with Shogun.

He might have finished Liddell too when he dropped him. As to who would benefit from kicks, and knees to a grounded opponent, it would be wrestlers, and guys that have strong TDD that would benefit the most from those strikes as they would be in the position to use them more often, plus the few guys that are just better at landing them, like Shogun who is neither a wrestler nor has good TDD.
Jose Aldo is a nominee IMO.


Have you ever seen the clip of him soccer kicking a guy around the ring? The guy's body spins as he absorbs the kicks. Vicious.
Agreed, there should at least have to be a knee grounded for that to apply.

f'ck that. if you're purposely taking a knee or putting down a hand, it should be fair game. only way to be grounded is if you got taken down or knocked down.
I would think that Barao, Aldo, GSP and definitily Bendo

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