Who are some villains whose side you were on?

One of my favourite GoT scenes. Closely followed by Cersei introducing Sept Unella to Ser Frankenmountain...

Cersie, "I said my face would be the last thing you saw before you died, do you remember?

Unella, "Good. I'm glad to see your face. I'm ready to meet the Gods".

Cersie, "What? Now? Today?! You're not going to die today. You're not going to die for quite some time. Sir Gregor!"

(The Franken-Mountain walks in and removes his helm).

Cersei, "Your Gods have forsaken you. This is your God now".

(Unella begins screaming as Gregor bends over her. Cersei closes the dungeon door as she walks out)

Cersie, "Shame!...Shame!...Shame!"

Cersei is bae!
I don't consider Omar to be a villain at all.

you were on phoenix side in that movie?

dude killed his father, was a coward, and wanted to bang his sister. are you ok?
Lieutenant Colonel Nicholson from The Bridge on the River Kwai. Guess it is debatable whether he was a villain, though.
you were on phoenix side in that movie?

dude killed his father, was a coward, and wanted to bang his sister. are you ok?
I guesss I felt sorry for the guy, he clearly had issues lol
He's Russian. Maybe that's just how they say hello.

I could see that. It would put him in a place of dominance immediately. It would be hard to come back with a comeback to match that intense shit with out coming off hokey
Thanos. He had so many good points about population issues. The biggest issue however is that 50% is not nearly enough, it only took us like 60 years to go from 3 billion to 7.5
Just need to snap on all of India.....
Tywin got cucked by the Mad King and suspects Tyrion of being his kid. Tywin had no empathy for common people but his reasons for hating Tyrion and Aerys were a bit more understandable with that in light.

Don't forget Aerys robbed him of his heir when he made Jamie a Kingsguard
Agamemnon, Menelaus, and all the Greeks in any retelling of the Iliad. They may be bipolar assholes who fuck each other but I want to see Troy burn.


Well Troy did pay. But as Myth and Legend would have it , Aeneas of Troy survived and eventually his Descendants founded Rome.
Megatron. Always thought the decepticons were cool as a kid.