Social White supremacists march on Orlando, waving swastika flags and raising Heil Hitler salutes

You realize I've been arguing against the false assertion that the neo-Nazi group were FBI agents this entire thread, right?

JFC, man. When people accuse others of having TDS they're talking about you. I rightfully call you out your creepy, misogynist post for what it is and your only response is "TRUMP". You realize Trump defended white supremacists who attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right gathering in 2017 by describing them as "fine people". But instead of making a relevant point your Trump addled boomer brain can only bring up the most inane and bizarre nonsense imaginable.

We're discussing the rising threat of white supremacy but you care more about Justin Trudeaus love life. You're out of touch.
You brought up Trudeau first as some sort of gotcha .
Anytime I see The Canadian Chad it reminds me of how he made Trump look like a feeble old man. Then that makes me laugh at all the Trump fan boys Alpha fan boy fantasy’s of Trump.
Now while I agree with the sentiment. It's better to not give those tards martyrs. They are extreme outliers and few in number. They simply need to be soundly and roundly mocked.

Yeah, that too. I always wonder why people that have snapped and want to commit a mass shooting don’t pick guys like this as targets instead of shooting some random people
You brought up Trudeau first as some sort of gotcha .
Anytime I see The Canadian Chad it reminds me of how he made Trump look like a feeble old man. Then that makes me laugh at all the Trump fan boys Alpha fan boy fantasy’s of Trump.

Chad AF<Lmaoo><45>

That doesn’t explain why Black on White crime is 6 times higher than the opposite

But I’m sure you’ll find some way to rationalize it. It’s what Progressives do best. Rationalize shit behavior and refuse to acknowledge reality

It actually does if you take a minute (in your case, perhaps 30 minutes) to think about it.
You already dismissing the answer without me even providing it, because thats what conservatives do...
What was Russiagate? You guys tried to impeach the sitting president over a bullshit conspiracy theory.

How many guilty pleas were there? 25+?
With Trump being the sitting president being THE ONLY thing that stopped Mueller from indicting him?

Former special counsel Robert Mueller testified Wednesday that he did not indict President Donald Trump on obstruction of justice charges because of Department of Justice guidelines barring a sitting president from being indicted
Russiagate wasn't about obstruction of justice. They were claiming he was a russian asset.

Well, Trump attempted to obstruct justice during the Russiagate investigation, by firing Comey. Trump himself may not have been a willing asset of Russia, but it's a known fact that Russia was interfering in the election in order to sway it in Trumps favor. Several members of his campaign were indeed found to be guilty of colluding with Russia, ya'll acting like it was some complete hoax when in reality there was far more to it than any of the conspiracies the right pushes, like stolen election or hunter biden laptop.
Well, Trump attempted to obstruct justice during the Russiagate investigation, by firing Comey. Trump himself may not have been a willing asset of Russia, but it's a known fact that Russia was interfering in the election in order to sway it in Trumps favor. Several members of his campaign were indeed found to be guilty of colluding with Russia, ya'll acting like it was some complete hoax when in reality there was far more to it than any of the conspiracies the right pushes, like stolen election or hunter biden laptop.

Nope. You are an unhinged conspiracy theorist. Sorry.