Crime White Supremacist Rally V.3 Aftermath

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If people let themselves get influenced by these sorts of events, then they're looking for their influences from all the wrong places.
@Devout Pessimist I applaud you in your efforts, however I cannot get on board just yet...

So many on the left seem dedicated to tearing apart this nation and they are succeeding especially with their overt racism, new pronouns and declaring what is acceptable speech.

I fucking hate racists in any form....

I've said for years that we are going to see a deluge of white nationalist groups and white power groups due to the contemporary social political climate...

The actions of the left are conducive to more division and more racism in this country..

The events of this past weekend was a mere symptom of this...

Unfortunately we will see more of this ugliness..
Trust me, those militia men belong to the Alt Right

Lol! Yeah I see this and think wow those guys are not bitches! So badass.

I didn't say you couldn't be a bitch and be considered alt right I said if you're a white male and not a bitch you're considered alt right
No. I've been saying since the start that these "protests" from anyone are retarded, and that this shit was inevitable going to escalate to deaths. And mark my words, it isn't finished. Antifa will beat someone to death with their bats in the future. And then the right will start showing up with gun. Then antifa will show up with bombs, etc...
How did you feel when the Berniebro went and shot up a Congressional baseball game?
Or as for white supremacists...Dylan Roof shooting up a black church was only like a couple years ago.
So we should make treatment of mental illness more impersonal and bureaucratic? Doesn't sound like a great solution. Using the case of a kid who had insurance and was medicated and still flipped out doesn't carry over very well.
It didn't change my mind (it's what I've been preaching - no I'm not special)

The left vs right democrats vs republican shit is all bullshit and all it serves is the politicians politicking for this. Where has it gotten us normal people? Shot or run over by cars.
This guy gets it.
The media is the only one that benefits from this. The media has turned into people yelling at each other. Politics is basically that shiity ESPN show with Stephen A Smith yelling his opinions, except now its with politics.
You think Muslims are allied with anyone in the West? You are mistaken. Radical Islam is not your ally. Maybe for a battle, but not the war. Blacks and Mexicans won't unite. They'll just bitch and tear things down together. But what rises from the ashes of the west won't be a utopia of diversity.

And its that very arrogant mentality that will be your downfall.
The face of America to foreign nations is typically a White male.
Theres thousands of Black muslims if you look into it.
But I bet you didnt think Obama would ever get in office now, did you?
No way in hell, even if all Blacks voted for Obama in the US would he get into office.
There had to be some VERY powerful WHITES to "help" that happen.

Colin Powell should have never happened..fuck neither should Oprah, or Micheal Jordan(who RARELY ever speaks out, yet hes a billionaire and no just by Blacks buying his expensive shoes either).

A saying older thatn american history itself holds so true to my point, that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

So you keep thinking that...
Pathetically short sighted. That you would let a couple idiots have such an affect on your view of the world.

I was already leaning on the edge of a cliff looking towards a different view of the world and the event pushed me over. More and more I am seeing myself as a Catholic Conservative. I do not appreciate what the left has done in regards to tearing down important values like responsibility, restraint and family, but I do not see how insulting and mocking the people I disagree with will change anything. I guess more than anything I am changing my approach. I will work on being more civil and avoid identity politics unless I am criticizing it.

I can't directly quote you as you responded to a hundred posts at once.

Regarding mine, it's no mystery why. Whites value education more. They have a scientific attitude that allowed them to influence the whole world. This is lacking in black areas. Not only in USA but Africa. The blame game has to stop. Get to work, get an education, study at school and stop blaming others. Have kids responsibly.
It was just one protest, and one car plowing into counter protesters. The next protests in the future may be the opposite. Has your mind changed to supported BLM, SJWs, and other Liberal agendas?

Sometimes groups are defined by events such as these, for better or for worse, and/or they get hijacked by people who focus on one specific prescription or tenet. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. The Alt-Right does have some valid points, but they're also advocating segregation of sorts, just like their counterpart BLM is, and that's a pretty good line to draw.

If you just like kek memes and trolling, perhaps it's time for a new label.
And its that very arrogant mentality that will be your downfall.
The face of America to foreign nations is typically a White male.
Theres thousands of Black muslims if you look into it.
But I bet you didnt think Obama would ever get in office now, did you?
No way in hell, even if all Blacks voted for Obama in the US would he get into office.
There had to be some VERY powerful WHITES to "help" that happen.

Colin Powell should have never happened..fuck neither should Oprah, or Micheal Jordan(who RARELY ever speaks out, yet hes a billionaire and no just by Blacks buying his expensive shoes either).

A saying older thatn american history itself holds so true to my point, that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

So you keep thinking that...

I thought Obama had a good chance. Americans are some of the least racist people in the world. That's it's weakness when it comes to the left. Americans are too open minded for their own good.
Which is why this event may work to draw some more distinct lines between those who are conservative and/or Republicans, and those who want a white ethno-state. We desperately needed some well drawn-out lines, as the Alt-Right has been a jumbled mess for a while, often consisting of trolls who like frog memes, those who are rejecting the progressive agenda, and white nationalists, as you pointed out. It also doesn't help that some on the left just call everyone part of the Alt-Right.

We need a center where both moderate liberals and conservatives can unite and reject both fringes. The problem is that Trump himself is such a divisive figure that this may not be possible because people's love or hatred of Trump and what he represents outweighs everything else and that sends people away from the center.

I would personally reject Trump tomorrow if people would join in the center and reject the racism and idiocy of both sides. Just give me regular classical liberalism without the identity politics and racism where we can still be proud to be American, or in my case, Canadian. No more white guilt, blacks are evil, white ethno-state, gender-bending nonsense. I suspect that Trump is more to the center than people want to admit, which is why this is a pipe dream.
I think the divisiveness seems larger than it truly is because a lot of people are less willing to condemn something that they otherwise would in threads that are dedicated to these topics because those threads are also full of jeering. I'm somewhat guilty of this. For instance, that professor who was attacking people with a bike lock should rot in a cell for a while, but I don't think I ever bothered to post my opinion because some of the more obnoxious posts just caused me to see myself out. It's that way in real life too. Why bring up politics at all if you know you're going to have sit there and listen to someone paint with an overly broad brush and miss the point where two people with otherwise disparate viewpoints could agree on something.

Edit: I'm not trying to call anyone out here; that's just a recent, personal example. I'm sure plenty of conservative posters have felt the same way in other threads.
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So we should make treatment of mental illness more impersonal and bureaucratic? Doesn't sound like a great solution. Using the case of a kid who had insurance and was medicated and still flipped out doesn't carry over very well.

Evidently his insurance didn't do a good job of providing heathcare.

Theres more to treating mental illness than writing a prescription.
I thought Obama had a good chance. Americans are some of the least racist people in the world. That's it's weakness when it comes to the left. Americans are too open minded for their own good.

Well. Look at the advances the country has made including being a world power.
I believe that will wane in the future tho.
Dont ask me be typing for the next 48 hours non stop.
I was already leaning on the edge of a cliff looking towards a different view of the world and the event pushed me over. More and more I am seeing myself as a Catholic Conservative. I do not appreciate what the left has done in regards to tearing down important values like responsibility, restraint and family, but I do not see how insulting and mocking the people I disagree with will change anything. I guess more than anything I am changing my approach. I will work on being more civil and avoid identity politics unless I am criticizing it.
I'm going to join the Fraternal Order of the Alt Knights.
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