Economy White House changes the definition of Recession


R.I.P. Obie
Jun 30, 2015
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We're becoming more and more like the Soviet union every week. Dont want a recession? Just change the definition. Don't like the real inflation numbers? Just come up with new methodology to calculate it. Want to mandate a vaccine but its not a vaccine? Just change the definition of a vaccine.

We have our own Pravda in the form of the msm. They let their candidate hide in the basement completely unchallenged while they smeared Trump through the entire campaign. They used news stories like a weapon. Spread conspiracy after conspiracy.

Then we have 1984 style big tech covering him on their end. Black balling legitimate stories. Freezing accounts of anyone spreading the truth.

I almost forgot selective prosecution and show trials that are nothing more than campaign events on the public dime

The list goes on and on
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Truthfully thuthfully there's no single stat that defines a recession I just think it's hilarious how the words racism and women were redefined and now this by the WH.
I was told it happens all the time so I believe those people now and accept any change of words in a dictionary or like this
It really shouldn't matter how you feel about Trump or Biden. As an American you should be alarmed at the state of the media.

They decide if kids in cages at the border will be used to knee cap a president 24-7 for weeks in Trumps case....or if you'll never know it existed in Obamas case.

They'll decide if covid deaths should be explicitly and implicitly pinned on the president in trumps case...constantly having him explain the hundreds of thousands of deaths on his hands. Or if a president will never be associated with the deaths during his term.

They don't report reality. They create it. They have the ability to make a hero or villain out of anybody as they see fit. For the liberals that deny the sorry state of the press just remember that they might not always be on your side

It should be their job to hold the administration accountable. In fact no administration should be so brazen as to just change definitions when they don't like the truth. The media should bludgeon any administration that tried and it should be their mission that every citizen not living under a rock understands they're being duped
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"The recession isn't a recession", brought to you by the creators of the "The inflation is transitory, don't worry about it."

Around the time the 'inflation is transitory' narrative was going around in 2021, some work colleagues and I ended up talking to a professor of statistics. PhD in mathematics I believe. We weren't even talking about the economy but he decides to bring up the subject unprompted and tries convincing everyone that the "inflation is transitory." As I was internally rolling my eyes, the eyes of the idiots in the group were twinkling: they're drinking his every word. It's not every day a High Cleric from the religion of Science speaks to them. That statement didn't age so well, did it. You'd be amazed at the dumb, pompous motherfuckers walking around with PhDs.
When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans

- Ron Paul

Borrowing money is not a problem at all.
Biden changes the definition of a 'successful' President.
Pelosi changes the definition of 'ethical investment.'
Democrats change the definition of 'being' a Democrat, 'insurrection,' and 'fair' elections.
tbh I'm waiting for Trudy to do this in Canada like 1984 big brother style